The xEV market is driven by the expectations of demanding carmakers and consumers in relation to pricing, driving range, and fast charge capability, which all largely depend on the battery. We at AABC understand automotive battery requirements, including those for batteries with lower cost, higher energy density, wide operating temperature range, high power and fast-charge ability, and of course, safety and durability. The opportunity is huge but so are the challenges, which is why we have created a conference program that will help you follow the trends, the issues, and the directions adopted by key players.

Wednesday, November 4

12:15 pm Lunch Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall


12:45 pm

Vehicle Electrification – Where Do We Go from Here?

Ted J. Miller, Senior Manager, Electrification Subsystems and Power Supply Research, Ford Motor Company

In the coming proliferation of vehicle electrification, automotive energy storage systems represent both a significant enabling opportunity and potential impediment to broad and successful production implementation. With the advent of lithium-ion cell commercialization nearly three decades ago, a feasible pathway to customer-worthy plug-in vehicles was finally opened. During the past two decades, concerted development of large-format lithium ion automotive cell technology with adequate safety, performance, and life has been jointly undertaken by automotive OEMs and cell producers. We are presently witnessing development and production of purpose-built cells for high volume electric vehicle applications. Now our focus must turn to comprehensive automotive energy storage system optimization.

1:05 pm

EDV, Battery, and Materials Business Possibility in China after 2020

Mark H.L. Lu, PhD, Senior Industrial Analyst, Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute
1:25 pm

How Fast Will EV Adoption Reach the Majority, and What Will Battery Demand Be?

Viktor Irle, Co-Founder & Market Analyst, EV Volumes

This presentation will give a worldwide overview of the BEV & PHEV market, with the latest actual registration figures for the different regions, countries and the respective sector share in the automotive market in these markets. It will give a detailed ranking over the best sellers and their respective battery suppliers. A 2030 BEV & PHEV outlook will be presented, with basis in actual data, future model portfolios, average battery sizes, and the implications the outlook and trend data will have on future battery demand.

1:45 pm MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Menahem Anderman, PhD, President, Total Battery Consulting, Inc.
Ted J. Miller, Senior Manager, Electrification Subsystems and Power Supply Research, Ford Motor Company
Mark H.L. Lu, PhD, Senior Industrial Analyst, Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute
Viktor Irle, Co-Founder & Market Analyst, EV Volumes
2:15 pm Refresh Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
2:35 pm

Electric Vehicles: The End of the Beginning

Logan Goldie-Scot, Head of Clean Power, BloombergNEF

2020 will be another eventful year for the global EV industry. Sales will grow again, but only by around 20%, taking the total number of EVs on the road by the end of the year to 10 million. The phase-out of direct subsidies in big markets like China and the US contribute to the modest growth, but 2020 will be a breakout year in Europe. Many new EV models will hit the market but few are high-volume, and they are likely to come late in the year.

2:55 pm

Lithium-Ion Batteries – New Business Models Emerging

Wolfgang Bernhart, Senior Partner, Automotive Competence Center, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants GmbH

This presentation will offer an outlook on the LiB market and technology trends, discuss the competitive situation in LiB (cell, pack), and examine the new business models in three steps: i) vertical integration – partnerships and JVs emerging, ii) battery-as-a-service – circular
economy approach for additional profit pools, and iii) deep dive China –
 battery leasing and recycling. Finally, it will review the implications
 of the new trends for automotive and battery players.

Greg Becker, Technical Service and Development Specialist, Dow, Inc.

Engineers are continually focused on designing battery cells and modules for optimal performance, efficiency and most importantly safety.  In the design phase, module assembly materials should be taken into consideration.  A diligent approach to materials selection can aid in the manufacturing process, help to ensure module reliability and address safety concerns.  This presentation will examine the benefits of silicone encapsulants in regards cell protection and the mitigation of thermal runaway. Silicone foams can also provide the added benefit of light weighting in the application.

3:35 pm Refresh Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall


Tetsuya Okado, Team Leader, Department 2, Prime Planet Energy & Solutions, Inc.

This presentation will give an introduction of Prime Planet Energy & Solutions, Inc., a Joint venture of Toyota and Panasonic, launched in April 2020. We offer a full range of xEV applications. In this presentation, our state-of-the-art HEV cell named “65D cell” will be introduced. 

4:15 pm

Glimpses into BEV Batteries on the Market – AVL Series Battery Benchmarking

Wenzel Prochazka, Senior Product Manager, Battery Systems, AVL List GmbH

AVL’s series battery benchmarking program provides a database for objective comparison in technical attributes as well as in engineering methodology for BEV battery market competitors for clear system target definition of high performing, reliable and safe batteries. 270 different criteria are evaluated through AVL benchmarking metrics displayed in 8 high level attributes. The found integrated system performance values are pointed out to support current and future development programs.

4:35 pm

GM's Ultium Battery Systems

Timothy M. Grewe, General Director Electrification, Electrification Center, General Motors
4:55 pm MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Menahem Anderman, PhD, President, Total Battery Consulting, Inc.
Wolfgang Bernhart, Senior Partner, Automotive Competence Center, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants GmbH
Logan Goldie-Scot, Head of Clean Power, BloombergNEF
Wenzel Prochazka, Senior Product Manager, Battery Systems, AVL List GmbH
Timothy M. Grewe, General Director Electrification, Electrification Center, General Motors
Greg Becker, Technical Service and Development Specialist, Dow, Inc.
Tetsuya Okado, Team Leader, Department 2, Prime Planet Energy & Solutions, Inc.
5:25 pm Happy Hour - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
5:55 pm Close of Day

Thursday, November 5


9:00 am

Cost Modeling of Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles through 2030

Karim Hamza, PhD, Principal Engineer, R&D, Toyota Motor North America
Ken Laberteaux, Senior Principal Scientist, Toyota Motor North America
Jean Chu, PhD, Scientist, Toyota Motor North America


9:20 am

Ultra-Fast Charging Systems

Johanna Heckmann, Head of Charging Infrastructure, P3 Automotive GmbH

P-3 is leading the VDA working group in Germany on HPCCV, where a new coupling device with up to 1MW charging power is under investigation for standardization.

9:40 am

Demand Drivers for Charging Infrastructure – Charging Behavior of Plug-In Electric Vehicle Commuters

Gil Tal, PhD, Research Director, Plug In Hybrid & Electric Vehicle PH & EV Research, University of California Davis

The public as well as the private sector that includes automakers and charging network companies are increasingly investing in building charging infrastructure to encourage the adoption and use of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) as well as to ensure that current facilities are not congested.

10:00 am Coffee Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
10:20 am

CANCELLED: Ultra Power Dynamic Charging System for EV

Takamitsu Tajima, Chief Engineer, EV Development, Honda R&D Co. Ltd.
10:40 am

Fast Charging of Lithium-Ion Batteries at All Temperatures

Chao-Yang Wang, PhD, William E. Diefenderfer Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University

Range anxiety is a key reason that consumers are reluctant to embrace electric vehicles (EVs). To be truly competitive with gasoline vehicles, EVs should allow drivers to recharge quickly anywhere in any weather, like refueling gasoline cars. However, none of today’s EVs allow fast charging in cold or even cool temperatures due to the risk of lithium plating, the formation of metallic lithium that drastically reduces battery life and even results in safety hazards. Here, we present an approach that enables 15-minute fast charging of Li-ion batteries in any temperatures (even at -50 °C) while still preserving remarkable cycle life.

Brandon Bartling, Advanced Research Specialist, 3M Company

We need to move outside the bubble of low-energy dense cells, narrow SOC ranges and moderate temperature operation. This presentation will focus on the material challenges that exist as we seek to operate the battery pack at optimum temperature and safety levels to drive greater EV adoption.

11:20 am MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Kevin Konecky, Director, Battery Systems, Fisker, Inc.
Johanna Heckmann, Head of Charging Infrastructure, P3 Automotive GmbH
Gil Tal, PhD, Research Director, Plug In Hybrid & Electric Vehicle PH & EV Research, University of California Davis
Takamitsu Tajima, Chief Engineer, EV Development, Honda R&D Co. Ltd.
Chao-Yang Wang, PhD, William E. Diefenderfer Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
Karim Hamza, PhD, Principal Engineer, R&D, Toyota Motor North America
Ken Laberteaux, Senior Principal Scientist, Toyota Motor North America
Jean Chu, PhD, Scientist, Toyota Motor North America
11:50 am Lunch Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall


12:30 pm

Setup of Full Integrated Battery Manufacturing Value Chains in North America with Taking into Account Carbon Emissions

Robert Stanek, Global Advisor, Business Strategy & Alternative Powertrains, P3 Automotive GmbH
12:50 pm

Study of PHEV Batteries in Field Application

Bob Taenaka, xEV Battery Senior Technical Leader, Ford Motor Company

With a capacity much smaller than that in conventional BEVs, PHEV battery has to provide a much higher specific power to meet EV-driving vehicle performance, and to deliver more ampere-hour throughput to meet life target. This presentation features an analysis of energy consumption and battery usage of 4-year data collected on thousands plug-in electric vehicles. VIN-based investigation on energy consumption and potential factors driving PHEV battery.

1:30 pm MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Bob Taenaka, xEV Battery Senior Technical Leader, Ford Motor Company
2:00 pm Interactive Roundtable Discussions - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall

Join your colleagues and fellow delegates for a focused, informal discussion moderated by a member of our speaking faculty. A small group format allows participants to meet potential collaborators, share examples from their own work and discuss ideas with peers.  

ROUNDTABLE: Electrolyte Developments: New Components and Approaches

Sam Jaffe, Founder & Managing Director, Cairn Energy Research Advisors
  • Recent electrolyte advances and their impact on the battery
  • Gauging cost/benefits to adding new components to electrolyte mixtures
  • Super-concentrated salt electrolytes: recent research and implications
  • Innovative solvent and additive approaches
  • Emerging salt candidates for improved performance

ROUNDTABLE: Li-Ion NMC Fast Charging New Cells for E-Mobility

Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.
  • The needs for fast charging for E-Mobility
  • Current solutions in the market
  • New fast charging Li-Ion NMC cells under development​
3:00 pm Close of Conference

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