Cambridge EnerTech’s

xEV Battery Technology, Applications, and Market

Driving the Future Growth of Electric Vehicles Globally


With the global expansion of vehicle electrification, automakers are highly focused on developing the vehicles that will not only meet the upcoming stringent emission regulations, but also attract customers and provide viable financial return. In addition, to meet the automakers and consumer requirements, the industry must deliver on lower costs, extended driving ranges, higher energy densities, wide operating temperatures, fast charging as well as safety and durability. This conference will address the trends, challenges and opportunities that will drive future growth and how the key players are achieving success.

Tuesday, December 7

7:30 am Registration and Morning Coffee


8:55 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge Enertech
9:00 am

Why the U.S. Needs to Make Electric Vehicle Battery Manufacturing a National Priority


John Boesel, President & CEO, CALSTART Inc.

Learning from the OPEC experience, the United States needs to be taking strong steps now to ensure that it develops a strong and robust domestic electric vehicle (EV) battery manufacturing industry. Working with its North American partners, the federal government should be developing policies that rapidly spur the development of the EV battery supply chain. By moving with a strong plan and set of policies, the U.S. can benefit from significant job growth and economic activity as well as well as enhancing national security by not becoming dependent on foreign sources for key materials and resources. While the Biden administration is sending strong signals for leadership in this area, it’s important that a broad based industry coalition, from mining companies to vehicle manufacturers, also be involved in advocating for policies that will spur innovation and encourage domestic manufacturing and resource development. This presentation will outline specifics steps and actions that the U.S. should be advancing to accelerate the growth of the EV battery supply chain and industry in North America.

9:20 am

Beyond Li-Ion – High Energy & Power Cells Market Review

Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.

The li-ion battery industry production is growing fast due to high demand, especially from the automotive and grid storage segments. Aligned with production capacity growth, there are large investments in R&D development for the next battery generations behind the ordinary li-ion battery technology. Our presentation will discuss the battery technologies that have a good chances for breakthrough and will review the main startups developing that technology.

9:40 am

Market Evaluation, Technology Overview and Use Cases for a Combination of Heavy Duty BEV, Charging Infrastructure and Vehicle to Grid Applications

Simon Buderath, Strategy & Technology Consulting, P3 USA

The presentation will provide a market overview that will focus on technology and use cases for for a combination of heavy duty BEV, charging infrastructure and vehicle to grid applications.

10:00 am MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Kevin Konecky, Battery and Energy Storage Systems Consultant, Total Battery Consulting
John Boesel, President & CEO, CALSTART Inc.
Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.
Simon Buderath, Strategy & Technology Consulting, P3 USA
10:15 am Coffee Break


10:35 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge Enertech
10:40 am

California Leads the Heavy-Duty Sector Transition to Zero-Emission

Leslie Goodbody, Engineer, California Air Resources Board

Heavy-duty vehicles and off-road equipment are responsible for much of California’s particulate, smog-forming, and climate change emissions, and the associated health impacts. This is why California is taking bold actions to transition to a cleaner transportation system by adopting regulations that establish manufacturer and purchase requirements for trucks, transit buses, and airport shuttle buses. Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-79-20 raised the bar by setting ambitious sales and fleet turn-over targets to transition 100 percent of the medium and heavy-duty fleet to zero-emission by 2045. All the while, California’s incentive programs have been instrumental in helping to develop and advance zero-emission technology in several heavy-duty sectors, preparing them for commercial market entry.  This talk will focus on California’s near-term and long-term goals for heavy-duty and off-road vehicles and equipment, and the regulatory and incentive programs designed to help us achieve them.

11:00 am

Heavy-Duty Electrification in Action and Next Steps

Frank Falcone, Chief Engineer, Vehicle Testing, Calibration, and Validation, Meritor

This presentation provides a review of class 8 work in our local ports and beyond through the various grants that started at TransPower. In addition, we will discuss battery performance over the last 10 years to lay the ground work to explore how different levels of improvement can achieve different applications. It will discuss the evolution of vehicle performance requirements as technology has improved and contrast them against the diesel benchmark. Finally, the question of what levels of performance are required to fully replace the diesel class 8 truck might look will be presented.

11:20 am

Zero Emission Battery Electric Drayage Truck in Southern California: Volvo LIGHTS Project

Seungbum Ha, PhD, Lead, Fuel Cell & Stationary, South Coast AQMD

Volvo LIGHTS (Low Impact Green Heavy Transport Solutions) is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy and improving public health and the environment—particularly in disadvantaged communities. The total project cost is $90 million, with a funding award of $44.8 million. The project is a collaboration between the South Coast Air Quality Management District, Volvo Trucks and other organizations to develop and demonstrate heavy-duty electric vehicles and charging infrastructure critical for the commercial success of battery electric trucks and equipment. Over a three-year project period, Volvo LIGHTS will demonstrate the ability for heavy-duty, battery electric trucks and equipment to reliably move freight between two major ports and warehouses with zero emissions.

11:40 am MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Kevin Konecky, Battery and Energy Storage Systems Consultant, Total Battery Consulting
Leslie Goodbody, Engineer, California Air Resources Board
Frank Falcone, Chief Engineer, Vehicle Testing, Calibration, and Validation, Meritor
Seungbum Ha, PhD, Lead, Fuel Cell & Stationary, South Coast AQMD
11:55 am Networking Lunch


12:55 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Leslie Goodbody, Engineer, California Air Resources Board
1:00 pm

Toyota’s Project Portal FCEV Heavy-Duty Truck Update

Scott Friedman, Senior Engineer, Advanced Product Planning Office, Toyota Motor North America

Since 2017 with the introduction of Toyota’s Alpha proof of concept, Toyota Motor North America has revolutionized zero emission heavy duty trucking by bringing fuel cell electric powertrains to the main stream. Following on the success of two generations of Mirai light duty fuel cell electric vehicles, Toyota will provide an update on how adapting that very same technology in tandem with more efficient batteries will transform the freight industry as Toyota transitions into a zero emission mobility company.

1:20 pm

Hyundai's Programs for North America Including ZEV Trucks

Jerome Gregeois, Director Commercial Vehicles Development, HOD Powertrain Performance & Driveability, Hyundai-Kia America Technical Center

This presentation will focus on Hyundai's ZEV trucks and it's North America focus on fuel cell class 8 applications. In addition, battery applications in Korea will be reviewed.

1:40 pm

E-Mobility & Battery Development for Heavy-Duty Military Applications

Wsewolod Rusow, Subject Matter Expert, Doctrine & Concept Development, NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence

The defense sector recognizes outstanding progress in EV domain and confirms its advantages for a wide spectrum of military applications. Many NATO initiatives are trying to integrate the performance of electromobility into operational concepts.

2:00 pm MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Leslie Goodbody, Engineer, California Air Resources Board
Scott Friedman, Senior Engineer, Advanced Product Planning Office, Toyota Motor North America
Jerome Gregeois, Director Commercial Vehicles Development, HOD Powertrain Performance & Driveability, Hyundai-Kia America Technical Center
Wsewolod Rusow, Subject Matter Expert, Doctrine & Concept Development, NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence
2:15 pm Refreshment Break


2:35 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Frank Falcone, Chief Engineer, Vehicle Testing, Calibration, and Validation, Meritor
2:40 pm

Technical and Financial Analysis of Electric School Bus Batteries Used for Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Applications

Russell Vare, Director, Automotive Partnerships, Nuvve Corporation

Due to the size of their batteries and driving schedules, electric school buses are the perfect application for Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology. The first results from early V2G school bus deployments are now available. This session reviews the technical variance of an AC implementation on bidirectional onboard chargers versus a DC implementation with fast charging stations, as well as the economic results from each configuration.

3:00 pm

Vehicle-Grid Integration (VGI) for Medium and Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicles

Rajit Gadh, PhD, Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of California Los Angeles
3:20 pm

Present & Future: Advancements in V2G-Ready Product Line-Ups

Peter Tuckerman

This presentation will examine what is coming up next and why the industry is growing and changing so rapidly. In addition, the environmental, social, and economic impacts of this growing/changing industry will be presented.

3:40 pm MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Frank Falcone, Chief Engineer, Vehicle Testing, Calibration, and Validation, Meritor
Russell Vare, Director, Automotive Partnerships, Nuvve Corporation
Rajit Gadh, PhD, Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of California Los Angeles
Peter Tuckerman
3:55 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Frank Falcone, Chief Engineer, Vehicle Testing, Calibration, and Validation, Meritor
4:00 pm

San Diego Gas & Electric’s Utilization of Electric School Bus Batteries for Vehicle-to-Gid (V2G) Pilot  

Joe Bielawski, Project Manager, San Diego Gas & Electric

San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) is working on a vehicle-to-grid (V2G) pilot to understand how SDG&E can utilize electric vehicles (EVs) as a distributed energy resource (DER) to improve SDG&E’s load factor, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and reduce local air pollution. V2G is the process of discharging energy from the EV battery to the electric distribution grid. Typically, the EV battery is discharged during normal vehicle driving. However, this V2G pilot will be deployed at a school and the vehicle batteries will be discharged to transport students and discharged back into the distribution grid to pilot the utilization of V2G.


4:20 pm

MegaWatt Wireless Charging Systems Drive the Need for Compatible Battery Chemistries in Heavy Duty Vehicle Applications 

Michael P. Masquelier, CEO & CTO, WAVE Wireless Advanced Vehicle Electrification

Wireless charging presents a practical and economical solution for EV adoption and solves limitations such as battery size, cost, recharge speed, vehicle range, and space constraints of charging infrastructure. With commercial deployments at 250kW for public transit enabling over 6 million miles, a recent 500kW demonstration for a Class-8 drayage truck, and a 1MW wireless charger in development for regional haul Class-8 trucks, it’s time to revisit the battery pack specifications (chemistry, C-rate, cost) needed to support this extreme fast charge. 

4:40 pm

New Testing and Applications of High Energy Density Supercapacitors

Andrew F. Burke, PhD, Research Engineer, University of California Davis

There have been significant improvements in the energy density of supercapacitors in recent years. Several of these high energy density devices from Skeleton Technologies and Aowei China Have tested. Carbon/carbon cells exhibited energy density about 10 Wh/kg and hybrid lithium supercapacitors had energy densities up to 70Wh/kg. Applications of these new cells in various hybrid and electric vehicles have been assessed via vehicle simulations. 

5:00 pm MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Frank Falcone, Chief Engineer, Vehicle Testing, Calibration, and Validation, Meritor
Joe Bielawski, Project Manager, San Diego Gas & Electric
Michael P. Masquelier, CEO & CTO, WAVE Wireless Advanced Vehicle Electrification
Andrew F. Burke, PhD, Research Engineer, University of California Davis
5:15 pm Grand Opening Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
6:30 pm Evening Tutorials*

Seven tutorials will take place at AABC. The tutorials are designed to be instructional, interactive and provide in-depth information on a specific topic.  Tutorial themes include introductions for those new to the field as well as explanations on more technical aspects than time allows during our partnering forum, symposia and main conference programs. Instructors are drawn from industry and academic alike, many of whom are recognized in their fields or have teaching experience.

*Tutorials included in All Access Pricing or separate registration required. See Tutorial page for details.

8:00 pm Close of Day

Wednesday, December 8

8:30 am Registration and Morning Coffee


8:55 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Ryan Hart, Air Resources Engineer, California Air Resources Board
9:00 am

Status of NTSB Recommendations on Responder Safety in EV Battery Fires

Thomas Barth, PhD, Senior Accident Investigator & Biomechanics Engineer, Office of Highway Safety, National Transportation Safety Board

The NTSB conducted investigations of EV fire events and issued a report with safety recommendations to NHTSA, vehicle manufacturers, and responder associations in January of 2021. This presentation reviews the progress and issues raised in that report. The evolution and status of emergency response guides for vehicles with high voltage Li-ion batteries is discussed.

9:20 am

Cylindrical Lithium Ion Battery Market Review 2021

Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.


9:40 am

Prioritizing School Buses in Medium and Heavy Duty Electrification

Stephanie Ly, PhD, Senior Manager, Electric School Bus Initiative, World Resources Institute

This presentation will discuss the electric school bus market and how it fits into the medium- and heavy-duty sector. Specific opportunities to leverage the existing supply chain from battery suppliers to OEMs and dealerships have yet to be achieved. The session will link policy, incentives, and industry processes to outline next steps to electrify U.S. school buses.

10:00 am MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Ryan Hart, Air Resources Engineer, California Air Resources Board
Thomas Barth, PhD, Senior Accident Investigator & Biomechanics Engineer, Office of Highway Safety, National Transportation Safety Board
Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.
Stephanie Ly, PhD, Senior Manager, Electric School Bus Initiative, World Resources Institute
10:15 am Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
10:45 am Close of Symposium

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Battery Chemistries for Automotive Applications
xEV Battery Technology, Application, and Market

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