2016 Archived Content

TUT2: Recent Advances in Solid State Electrolytes for Energy Storage*

11:00 AM – 1:00 PM | June 13, 2016


Dangerous liquid electrolytes are employed over solid electrolytes due to their high conductivities and excellent interfacial behavior. However, current research is narrowing the gap between liquid and solid electrolytes. This course will provide a review of advances in solid electrolyte, from material synthesis, to practical device applications.

Detailed Agenda

11:00 Preparation and Characterization of Garnet LLZO Solid Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries

Marca Doeff, Ph.D., Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Lithium lanthanum zirconium oxide (LLZO) and variants are among the most promising candidates for use as electrolytes in solid-state lithium batteries, based on high conductivities and apparent resistance to reduction by lithium metal. This presentation will cover preparation of dense LLZO samples and their characterization by advanced synchrotron techniques.

11:30 Practical Application of Solid State Batteries

Josh Buettner-Garrett, Ph.D., CTO, SolidPower

Solid-state batteries are a leading candidate to replace conventional Li-ion batteries in applications with aggressive energy density and safety demands. This presentation will provide an introduction to bulk solid-state battery technology with an emphasis on application-specific benefits and challenges.

12:00 pm Break

12:15 New High Na+ Ion Conductivity Mixed Glass Former Sulfide Solid Electrolytes: Towards New Types of All-Solid State Na Batteries

Steve W. Martin, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor, University Professor, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Iowa State University of Science & Technology

Li+ ion conducting sulfide glasses have been extensively studied and in some cases have Li+ ion conductivities as high as 1 mS/cm at room temperature. Such Li glassy solid electrolytes are actively being considered for use in high energy density all solid state lithium batteries. Such solid state lithium batteries have 10 times the energy density of traditional lithium-ion batteries, can operate safely as high as 160 C, and are completely non-flammable. Such sodium sulfide-based glasses have been less explored to determine if high Na+ in conducting glassy solid electrolytes. In this talk, I will summarize our recent work on a new class of Mixed Glass Former sodium sulfide glasses and show that these glasses can indeed have very high Na+ ion conductivities. We will report the effect of mixing the glass formers on the structure, Na+ ion conductivities, and the detailed atomic level relationships between the two.

12:45 Q&A

1:00 Close of Tutorial

Instructor Bios:

Marca_DoeffMarca Doeff, Ph.D., Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Marca M. Doeff received her B.A. in Chemistry from Swarthmore College, and her Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry from Brown University. She is currently a staff scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and a principal investigator working in various battery programs funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. She is currently secretary of the Battery Division of the Electrochemical Society, and has served in various capacities for that division, and the Society since 2003

Josh_Buettner_GarrettJosh Buettner-Garrett, Ph.D., CTO, SolidPower

Josh Buettner-Garrett specializes in transitioning energy storage technologies out of the laboratory and into products. As Solid Power’s CTO, he is responsible for leading the development of energy dense batteries based on the company’s solid-state technology platform. Prior to his role at Solid Power, Josh led the Energy Storage team at ADA Technologies where he oversaw the development of energy storage devices for a variety of applications. Josh did his graduate studies at Colorado State University where he developed new high capacity cathode materials.

Steve_MartinSteve W. Martin, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor, University Professor, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Iowa State University of Science & Technology

Steve W. Martin received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Purdue University. His research interests include glass and amorphous materials, solid electrolytes for batteries and fuel cells, optical materials and fibers and the characterization of materials. He is currently the chair of the Glass and Optical Materials Division, immediate past President of the ISU Sigma XI Chapter and is a member ACerS, MRS, ECS, ASEE, and Sigma XI professional societies.

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