2023 Archived Content

2023 Tutorials*

Registration Open
 4:30 - 6:00 PM
**Peak Hours are Monday: 7:00 - 8:30 AM. Avoid lines, come pick up your badge on Sunday**

Registration Open
 7:00 AM - 4:30 PM
**Peak Hours on Monday are 7:00 - 8:30 AM. Avoid lines come pick up your badge on Sunday**

Monday, December 11, 2023  8:30 - 10:00 am

TUT1: In-Depth Analysis of the Chinese xEV Battery Industry

Detailed Agenda
Mark H. L. Lu, PhD, Senior Industrial Analyst, Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute
8:30 am

In-Depth Analysis of the Chinese xEV Battery Industry — From Applications to Upstream Materials

Mark H. L. Lu, PhD, Senior Industrial Analyst, Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute

As the world’s biggest EDV market, Chinese xEV industry has become the most important pioneering target. However, specially planned economy, localized regulations, and multiple business models exist and make international companies’ decision-making more difficult. Therefore, this tutorial will try to provide a whole picture of the Chinese EDV battery market including policies & regulations, future forecasts, competitive analysis, battery technology strategies, upstream supply chain, and positioning for foreign enterprises.


Mark H. L. Lu, PhD, Senior Industrial Analyst, Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute

Mr. Lu graduated from Department of Business Administration in National Cheng-chi University, Taiwan, and continued to acquire an MBA degree from National Sun Yat-sen University. His first job concerned with the optical film in China for two years, then came back Taiwan to serve Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) as an analyst in Industry, Science and Technology International Strategy Center (ISTI) until now. As a certified industrial analyst of the biggest think-tank in Taiwan, he is responsible for the research about Taiwan battery-related industry, including material, cell, pack and related applications. Not only handling the official government statistics about Taiwan battery industry, sometimes he also plays a role to provide consulting suggestions for Taiwan government and firms. From 2010 to June 2020, he served as the secretary-general of the Taiwan Battery Association.

TUT2: 21st Century Battery Raw Materials Global Market Overview

Detailed Agenda
Andrew Miller, COO, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence
James Mills, Principal Consultant, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence
8:30 am

21st Century Battery Raw Materials Global Market Overview

Andrew Miller, COO, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence

James Mills, Principal Consultant, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence

A 90-minute deep-dive and Q&A with Benchmark Mineral Intelligence analysts into the lithium, cobalt, and graphite anodes. A raw material evolution in the way these specialty chemicals are mined, processed, and sold — with the emergence of exchange-traded models and long-term contracts — is occurring. Here Benchmark breaks down the supply chain for each of these raw materials — their challenges and opportunities.


Andrew Miller, COO, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence

Andrew Miller holds the position of Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Benchmark Mineral Intelligence Ltd (Benchmark), a London-based market intelligence, consultancy and price reporting agency specializing in energy transition supply chains. Andrew oversees Benchmark's supply chain research and analysis, which stretches from long-term forecasting of supply, demand, costs, and pricing, through to sustainability assessments and bespoke advisory projects for a cross section of industry and regulatory stakeholders. At Benchmark, Andrew regularly presents to leading market participants, government bodies and industry forums, while also travelling to active mines, processing plants and manufacturing hubs across the world. He leads a global team of analysts and consultants and has advised some of the world’s leading institutional investors, auto OEMs, battery producers and mining companies. Prior to Benchmark, Andrew held a number of analyst positions across commodity research and finance, after graduating with a first-class honours degree in Economics from the University of East Anglia, UK.

James Mills, Principal Consultant, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence

Broad battery value chain expertise, capturing end-to-end mining development and automotive electric vehicle strategic purchasing. Commercial experience defining supplier evaluation and contractual negotiation process for Volkswagen AG’s in-house Power Co. battery critical mineral procurement, as a specialist in lithium and manganese. Responsible for value chain integration, procurement, and cost reduction analysis, delivering =€3bn contract value. Prior equity appraisal and capital raise support for public London-listed battery and high-tech metals and mining companies.

TUT3: Cell Manufacturing

Detailed Agenda
James Kaschmitter, CEO, SpectraPower LLC
8:30 am

Li-ion Cell Design and Manufacturing: Processes, Equipment, and Quality Control

James Kaschmitter, CEO, SpectraPower LLC

This tutorial will begin with an overview of Li-ion cell design for performance and manufacturability, including contrasting the performance and characteristics of commonly used materials. The tutorial will then lead to a detailed review of Li-ion cell manufacturing from incoming raw materials through final cell formation, aging, and shipment.


James Kaschmitter, CEO, SpectraPower LLC

James Kaschmitter is the CEO of SpectraPower, which he founded in 2002. SpectraPower operates a battery research facility in Livermore, CA that performs contract energy storage research, consulting and expert witness services for government, private companies, law firms, startups and investors. Jim has founded, or co-founded, several companies in the energy storage field. He began research in Li-ion batteries in 1989 at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). He was co-founder and CEO of PolyStor Corporation starting in 1993. PolyStor is the only U.S. company to have commercially manufactured in high volume in the U.S. all form factors of lithium-ion cells, including cylindrical, prismatic and polymer. In 1997 Jim founded PowerStor Corporation to commercialize the carbon aerogel supercapacitor that he co-invented at LLNL. PowerStor supercapacitors are now manufactured and sold in high volume by Eaton Bussman. He founded UltraCell in 2002, which successfully developed the world’s first reformed methanol micro fuel cell. UltraCell’s micro fuel cells are currently manufactured and sold by Brentronics and are deployed with U.S military and intelligence units, and are in use in combat in the Middle East. Jim holds a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University and has a bachelor’s degree in the Physics Honors Program from the University of Utah. He holds more than 20 patents in the alternative energy field. He owns, maintains and operates an experimental aircraft and holds instrument and multi-engine ratings.

TUT4: Economics of Battery Material Development & Manufacturing

Detailed Agenda
Thomas D. Gregory, Owner and Consultant, Borealis Technology Solutions LLC
8:30 am

Effective Development and Commercialization Pathways for New Battery Technologies

Thomas D. Gregory, Owner and Consultant, Borealis Technology Solutions LLC

Technoeconomic analysis is often thought to be synonymous with cost estimation, but it is also a powerful tool for guiding process and product R&D as well as assessing competing technology. This tutorial will illustrate the value of integrating technoeconomic analysis into new product and process development from laboratory to plant construction, focusing on the early stages of development when critical decisions such as process route selection must be made with limited data. Techniques for estimating capital and operating costs will be covered, ranging from simple analogies to more complex methodologies. Using the results to differentiate between process options and proceed from “What can we do?” to “What should we do?” will be highlighted. These concepts and methodologies will be illustrated with real-world examples based on the instructor’s 40+ years of industrial experience.TOPICS TO BE COVERED: Factors that impact successful commercialization of battery materials—technological feasibility versus economic practicality—market need/company capability intersection—technoeconomic analysis methodology, focusing on the critical early stages of a project where product design and process chemistry and development occur amid significant technical and economic uncertainty.


Thomas D. Gregory, Owner and Consultant, Borealis Technology Solutions LLC

Tom Gregory received his BS in chemical engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 1978 and his MS in 1979, specializing in electrochemical engineering. His 34-year career at Dow Chemical encompassed a variety of R&D roles including development and scale-up of production technology for organic, inorganic, polymer, and ceramic materials. He led pioneering rechargeable magnesium battery R&D and engaged in development of novel lithium ion battery and fuel cell-related technologies. Tom is currently a consultant specializing in chemical process analysis, design, and scale-up and electrochemical energy generation and storage. He is active in both AIChE and The Electrochemical Society and frequently serves on proposal review panels for the National Science Foundation and Department of Energy. He is the inventor or co-inventor on 16 U.S. and 42 foreign patents and has published or presented 25 papers in scientific journals and conferences.

Monday, December 11, 2023  10:30 - 12:00 pm

TUT5: Solid-State Batteries

Detailed Agenda
Venkataraman Thangadurai, PhD, Professor, Chemistry, University of Calgary
10:30 am

Solid-State Batteries

Venkataraman Thangadurai, PhD, Professor, Chemistry, University of Calgary

In this tutorial lecture, the development of state-of-the-art solid state Li-ion and Na-ion electrolytes for all-solid state batteries with emphasis on ionic conductivity and chemical and electrochemical stabilities will be discussed.


Venkataraman Thangadurai, PhD, Professor, Chemistry, University of Calgary

Dr. Venkataraman Thangadurai is full professor of chemistry at the University of Calgary, Canada. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom. He received his BSc from Sacred Heart College in Tirupattur, India in 1989 and his MSc from Muthurangam Government Arts College in Vellore, India in 1991. He received his PhD from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India in 1999 and did his PDF at the University of Kiel, Germany. He received a prestigious PDF fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn, Germany. Dr. Thangadurai received his Habilitation degree from the University of Kiel in 2004 and started his independent career in Calgary in 2005. He received the prestigious Keith Laidler Award from the Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) in 2016 for his outstanding contributions to physical chemistry. His current research activities include discovery of novel ceramic membranes and mixed ion and electron conductors for all-solid-state batteries, solid oxide cells, and electrochemical gas sensors.

TUT6: Science & Economics for Second-Life Batteries

Detailed Agenda
With the rapid growth of electric vehicle production, it is essential to expand the strategies for repurposing and reusing second-life EV batteries. Second-life batteries refer to those that are no longer suitable for EV use but still possess a considerable amount of remaining capacity for other applications. Achieving widespread reuse of these batteries necessitates the interplay of policy, economics, and scientific advancements. This tutorial explores the crucial role played by these factors in enabling the broad reuse of EV batteries and maximizing the potential of second-life battery applications.
Steven Chung, Co-Founder CEO, ReJoule
Antoni Tong, CEO, Smartville
Anthony Garbarino, Founder & CEO, Currents

10:35 Second-life Battery Codes and Standards

Steven Chung, Co-Founder CEO, ReJoule

The supply of batteries decommissioned from electric vehicles is expected to be so vast that it could soon meet the demand for grid storage. Yet the myriad and sometimes contradictory state, national and international fire codes in combination with standards outlined by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) pose a considerable challenge to the real-world deployment of second-life batteries systems. We outline best practices in overcoming design and engineering hurdles and achieving greater uptime.

10:55 Improving Efficiency in the Battery Circular Value Chain

Antoni Tong, CEO, Smartville

Smartville is addressing the imminent retired electric vehicle battery challenge by repurposing and optimizing battery useful life. CEO Antoni Tong will talk about how Smartville improves efficiency in the battery circular value chain.

11:15 The B2B Marketplace for End-of-Life EV & Hybrid Batteries

Anthony Garbarino, Founder & CEO, Currents

Currents, a B2B facilitation marketplace for end-of-life EV and hybrid batteries, has been in development for the past two years with a goal of solving three key pain points for the second-life industry: 1) no inventory transparency, 2) no price transparency, and 3) no state-of-health transparency. Currents has officially launched with one of the first suppliers being Nissan North America who will provide battery inventory eligible for a second-life with transparent pricing and state-of-health information.


Steven Chung, Co-Founder CEO, ReJoule

Steven is Co-Founder CEO of ReJoule, an advanced battery diagnostics startup in Southern California. ReJoule is commercializing its patent pending technology, which can grade a battery in minutes rather than hours. Steven was a Standards Technical Panel member on UL1974, the process certification standard for evaluating repurposed batteries. Steven has also been a Power Design Engineer at L-3 Communications, Power Paragon, where he designed and tested military-grade power systems for Navy surface ships and submarines. Steven received a Masters of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Toronto with a specialization in power electronics for automotive battery systems.

Antoni Tong, CEO, Smartville

As CEO and co-founder of Smartville, Dr. Antoni Tong leads the technology development and commercialization of its low-cost and scalable second-life battery energy storage solution. He has extensive expertise in lithium battery management, control, and their integration with the utility grid, distributed renewable resources, and electrified transportation. Prior to Smartville, He worked as a research scientist at UC San Diego and served as principal investigator for the energy storage integration lab.

Anthony Garbarino, Founder & CEO, Currents

Anthony is Currents’ Founder and CEO and is responsible for executing our vision of carbon neutrality and mission of enabling the closed loop economic model in the end-of-life EV battery supply chain. Anthony comes from the solid waste and recycling industry and obsesses over big picture bottlenecks and solutions. Outside of work, Anthony can be found tweaking synthesizers and guitars for that ever-fleeting perfect tone.

TUT7: Li-ion Battery Safety and Thermal Runaway

Detailed Agenda
Ahmad A. Pesaran, PhD, Chief Energy Storage Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
10:30 am

Li-ion Battery Safety and Thermal Runaway

Ahmad A. Pesaran, PhD, Chief Energy Storage Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Significant growth of lithium-ion batteries (LIB) for electrified transportation and renewable grid are expected in the next 10 years. Due to the characteristics of current LIB technologies, there is potential of for thermal runaway and fires as evidenced by recent fires in Tesla Model S, Chevy Bolt, and grid storage system in an Arizona Utility. Increase severity of fire incidents with more advanced energy-dense LIBs, especially cathodes with higher Ni and anodes with silicon or lithium is expected. In this Tutorial/Seminar we will 1. discuss fundamental causes for safety issues leading to thermal runaway and fire, 2. review abuse behavior of cells and packs through characterization, testing, and modeling/simulations, 3. provide overview of approaches that could reduce safety risks and detect impending failures, and 4. provide references as a resource for accessing more information. This tutorial/seminar is provided by Dr. Ahmad Pesaran with 25+ years of experience in lithium-ion battery R&D&D including safety testing and modeling with perspectives of his participation at USABC Technical Advisory Committee. He will provide the audience with information and understanding needed to handle Li-ion batteries safety in both their work at their companies and in products they deliver to the market. 


  • Li-ion Battery Introduction
    a.    Battery Fundamentals
    b.    Battery Chemistries
    c.    Cell Designs

  • LIB Safety and Abuse
    a.    LIB Fires
    b.    Instigators for Thermal Runaway
    c.    Battery Abuse Characterization and Testing Equipment
    d.    Battery Abuse Modeling/Simulation Tools

  • Approaches for Designing Safer Cells and Modules
  • EV Pack and System Safety
  • Remarks on Safe Handling of LIBs


Ahmad A. Pesaran, PhD, Chief Energy Storage Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

After receiving his Ph.D. from UCLA, Ahmad has been working at NREL on energy efficient technologies including electrified vehicles. Until 2017, Ahmad was the Manager of the Energy Storage Group researching science and engineering of high energy anodes and cathodes, battery thermal management, 3D electrochemical-thermal modeling, safety and thermal runaway modeling, battery second use, techno-economic analysis of batteries for EVs; he led the Computer-Aided Engineering for Electric Drive Vehicle Batteries for Department of Energy (DOE).Between 2016 and 2018 he was detailed at the DOE's Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) as technical advisor to the Battery program supporting battery processing, extreme fast charging and recycling. He was the Administrator for the first Phase of the DOE Battery Recycling Prize.Currently, Ahmad is pursuing energy storage business development activities for NREL and supports VTO with battery processing, manufacturing, solid electrolyte, and low-cobalt cathode projects.

TUT8: Sustainability in the Automotive Battery Value Chain

Detailed Agenda
Konstantin Born, Doctoral Candidate, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford
Kristi Disney Bruckner, Senior Policy Advisor, IRMA Initiative for Responsible Mining
Stefan Debruyne, Director of External Affairs, SQM International
Jarod Kelly, PhD, Principal Energy Systems Analyst, Systems Assessment Center, Argonne National Lab
Michael Wang, PhD, Group Center Director & Distinguished Fellow, Systems Assessment Center, Argonne National Lab
10:30 am

Sustainability in the Automotive Battery Supply Chain

Konstantin Born, Doctoral Candidate, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford

Kristi Disney Bruckner, Senior Policy Advisor, IRMA Initiative for Responsible Mining

Stefan Debruyne, Director of External Affairs, SQM International

Jarod Kelly, PhD, Principal Energy Systems Analyst, Systems Assessment Center, Argonne National Lab

Michael Wang, PhD, Group Center Director & Distinguished Fellow, Systems Assessment Center, Argonne National Lab

Considering the increasing interest in supply chain due diligence related to initiatives such as the US Inflation Reduction Act and the EU Battery Regulation, the ESG aspect of raw material production is becoming more and more important. However, the ESG landscape is one that merges several highly specialist fields, which can be tremendously confusing the many stakeholders of the automotive battery value chain. The objective of the tutorial is to provide participants with an understandable overview of some of the latest and key aspects of sustainability initiatives in the automotive battery value chain. What is the best mining assurance standard? What about life cycle assessment? How do companies work to improve footprints? What is the potential for improvement going forward?


Konstantin Born, Doctoral Candidate, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford

Konstantin Born is a researcher and doctoral candidate at the University of Oxford's Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment. His research explores the implications of the energy transition on the demand for minerals and metals and the role that circular economy strategies can play in extracting natural resources in more sustainable ways. Alongside his research, he works as an independent consultant for both private and public sector entities with a focus on mining governance, benefit sharing, and responsible sourcing of minerals. Konstantin holds an MSc in Development Management from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a BA in Economics and Political Science from McGill University, Canada.

Kristi Disney Bruckner, Senior Policy Advisor, IRMA Initiative for Responsible Mining

Kristi Disney Bruckner is an attorney with over 20 years of experience working on complex law and policy issues with governments, communities, companies, and multi-stakeholder initiatives. She is Law and Policy Director at the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) where she works with governments, civil society, and others to use IRMA’s best practice standards as a tool to improve mining sector governance and responsible sourcing, including for materials needed for renewable energy, electric vehicles, and other low-carbon technologies. Her experience includes over a decade of leadership at Sustainable Development Strategies Group, working to align management of renewable energy and natural resources with sustainable development objectives. She has worked with government, community, and industry stakeholders around the world to review and improve law and policy frameworks; build capacity to negotiate and manage natural resource contracts and company-community agreements; and advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Her work has included research and co-authorship of Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) validation reports for 16 countries, review of mining law and policies of over 70 jurisdictions, and review of community development requirements for the mining sector in over 50 countries. She has also worked with the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF) to complete Mining Policy Framework Assessments, capacity building seminars, and guidance for IGF Members, including guidance on improving environmental and social impact assessment and management for the mining sector. She is an adjunct professor of climate change law, sustainable development and international trade, and community engagement courses at law schools in Colorado and Arizona.

Stefan Debruyne, Director of External Affairs, SQM International

Stefan Debruyne joined SQM in 2005 as Asia-Pacific Sales Director, Lithium and Iodine, where he witnessed firsthand the lithium-ion battery production boom in Asia and the emerging electrification of transportation in China. In his present role as Business Development Director, he is focusing on the engagement with the automotive battery value chain and its stakeholders. Prior to joining SQM in 2005, he held a variety of international commercial roles at different listed companies. He has earned a Business Engineering degree from University of Leuven and an executive MBA from Vlerick Business School. He currently works for SQM as Director of Business Development.

Jarod Kelly, PhD, Principal Energy Systems Analyst, Systems Assessment Center, Argonne National Lab

Dr. Kelly examines the sustainability of energy and transportation systems as a research engineer at Argonne National Laboratory. His recent studies have considered the environmental implications of battery electric vehicle adoption and the supply chain variance associated with the production of lithium-ion batteries in different regions of the world. This work found that there are significant opportunities to reduce various pollutant emissions associated with battery production through locational variation. His work has also characterized breakeven substitution ratios for material substitution in vehicle light weighting efforts. He received his BS in mechanical engineering from the University of Oklahoma and his MS and PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan.

Michael Wang, PhD, Group Center Director & Distinguished Fellow, Systems Assessment Center, Argonne National Lab

Dr. Michael Wang is a Distinguished Fellow and director of the Systems Assessment Center, Energy Systems Division at Argonne National Laboratory. Dr. Wang leads the ongoing development of Argonne’s GREET software model for life cycle analysis of vehicle technologies and transportation fuels. The GREET model and his research results have been used by regulatory agencies such as the California Air Resources Board, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to develop automotive fuel regulations. In addition to his work in the U.S., Dr. Wang has collaborated with government agencies, automotive companies, energy companies, universities and research institutions in Asia and Europe. Dr. Wang is a fellow of the Society of Automotive Engineers and a member of the Transportation Energy Committee of the Transportation Research Board. He served on the boards of NGOs, companies, and Chinese automotive research organizations, and is on the editorial boards of four international journals. Dr. Wang has over 270 publications in the areas of transportation energy and environment effects. He holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in Environmental Science from University of California at Davis and a B.S. in Agricultural Meteorology from the China Agricultural University, Beijing.

Monday, December 11, 2023  1:00 - 2:30 pm

TUT9: Cell & Pack Design

Detailed Agenda
Kevin Konecky, Battery and Energy Storage Systems Consultant, Total Battery Consulting
1:00 pm

Cell & Pack Design

Kevin Konecky, Battery and Energy Storage Systems Consultant, Total Battery Consulting

This tutorial will give an overview of battery systems design. An overall product development process will be discussed for a typical system. Design aspects of each individual subsystem will be explored with cost impacts of different design choices. Testing, validation, and designing for safety will be other key areas of discussion.


Kevin Konecky, Battery and Energy Storage Systems Consultant, Total Battery Consulting

Mr. Konecky brings over 20 years of xEV experience to his work, having worked on multiple complex designs for battery system development, charging system integration, and high-voltage powertrain integration. He is skilled in new product design and development, product testing, product safety, integration of multiple sub-systems for vehicles, new product launches and has expanded his skillset beyond batteries into power electronics. His experience in batteries includes multiple technologies (Li-ion, NiMH, UltraCapacitors, Lead-Acid). Mr. Konecky has worked for multiple OEM and Tier 1 battery suppliers (GM, Fisker, Byton, Cobasys, EnerDel, Lockheed Martin) and has a BS in Electrical Engineering from Clarkson University (Potsdam, NY) and MS from Purdue (IUPUI - Indianapolis, IN).

TUT10: Sodium-ion Batteries (instructor will be presenting virtually)

Detailed Agenda
Philipp Adelhelm, PhD, Professor, Institute of Chemistry, Humboldt-University Berlin
1:00 pm

Na-ion Batteries: Materials and State-of-the-Art

Philipp Adelhelm, PhD, Professor, Institute of Chemistry, Humboldt-University Berlin

Na-ion batteries (SIB) are rapidly developing as potential alternatives to complement Li-ion battery (LIB) technology. The energy densities of SIB are close to LIB, but at the same time they avoid or reduce the amounts of many critical elements used for LIB. Due to their conceptual similarity, SIB can be produced on the same manufacturing lines like LIB, which is a great advantage for market implementation. This tutorial gives an overview on Na-ion battery development, with the focus on materials (anode, cathode) and electrolytes.


Philipp Adelhelm, PhD, Professor, Institute of Chemistry, Humboldt-University Berlin

Philipp Adelhelm is a professor for physical chemistry at Humboldt-University Berlin. His current main interest is research on sustainable batteries. After studying materials science at the University of Stuttgart, he moved to the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam (department of Professor Antionetti / Smarsly, 2005-2007) for his doctoral project. This was followed by a 2-year postdoctoral stay at the University of Utrecht (Professor de Jongh) and then a position as a junior research group leader at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Justus Liebig University in Giessen (Professor Janek, 2009-2015). From 2015-2019 he was a professor at the Institute for Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. He has been a professor at the Institute for Chemistry at Humboldt-University since 2019, and heads a joint research group on operando battery analysis at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (HZB).

TUT11: Battery Intelligence – Part 1

Detailed Agenda
Kevin Wood, PhD, Senior Solutions Engineer, Voltaiq, Inc.
1:00 pm

Battery Intelligence – Part 1

Kevin Wood, PhD, Senior Solutions Engineer, Voltaiq, Inc.

This tutorial will cover critical techniques and analysis for making sure researchers extract the maximum information out of standard electrochemical testing data. 


1. Overview

2. Theoretical Capacity and Standard Reduction Potentials

3. Charge, Discharge V-T Data

4. Rest Potentials

5. CVC

6. Cycle Aging Data


Kevin Wood, PhD, Senior Solutions Engineer, Voltaiq, Inc.

Dr. Kevin N. Wood is a Sr. Solutions Engineer and Electrochemistry Expert for Voltaiq. He is also currently an adjunct professor of Mechanical Engineering at San Diego State University. Before joining Voltaiq Dr. Wood was both a Professor and CTO managing over $7.5 Million dollars of battery related government and industry sponsored research projects since 2018. He has 5 Patents in the energy storage space and 25 peer reviewed journal publications focused on electrochemical data analysis. His technological advances in characterization and electrochemical analysis have been highlighted by the National Academy of Engineering, PBS, and the Discovery channel. In 2018 his advances were awarded impact paper of the year by Nature Publishing for Future Lithium-based Batteries. In 2021 Dr. Wood gave a TEDx talk on “The Coming Battery Revolution”.

TUT12: Managing & Understanding the Risks of Li-ion Battery Safety

Detailed Agenda
Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.
1:00 pm

Battery Safety and Abuse Tolerance Validation

Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.

Batteries have become daily use components for many applications. New growing segments like EV and grid storage batteries extend the traditional ordinary battery applications. In the race for energy density, we shouldn't forget safety. For example, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 battery safety case. Unfortunately, we face daily safety events with injuries and severe damage. This workshop focuses on portable, stationary, and automotive battery safety along the battery cycle life (acceptance, testing, assembly, use, transportation, and disposal). This training incorporates Shmuel De-Leon’s and other experiences on battery safety, representing over 26 years of work in the field. The motivation behind the training is to provide attendees with the knowledge needed to safely handle the batteries in their organization, and to support reduction in safety events.


Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.

Shmuel De-Leon, Founder and CEO of Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd., is a leading international expert in the business of energy storage. Prior to founding the company, for over 21 years, Shmuel held various positions as an energy storage, electronic engineering, and quality control team manager. Shmuel holds a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Tel Aviv University, and an M.B.A. in Quality Control and Reliability Engineering from the Technion Institute in Haifa, as well as an Electronic Technician's diploma.

Monday, December 11, 2023  3:00 - 4:30 pm

TUT13: Silicon-Based Anodes

Detailed Agenda
Dee Strand, PhD, CSO, R&D, Wildcat Discovery Technologies, Inc.
3:00 pm

Improving the Energy Density of Batteries with Silicon-Based Anodes

Dee Strand, PhD, CSO, R&D, Wildcat Discovery Technologies, Inc.

The key challenges in the use of silicon-based anodes, as well as progress in the implementation of silicon, and what can we expect in the future. The latest improvements in other battery components are required to maximize the benefit of silicon-based anodes.


Dee Strand, PhD, CSO, R&D, Wildcat Discovery Technologies, Inc.

Dr. Dee Strand is a Senior Scientist at Wildcat Discovery Technologies. Dr. Strand has over twenty years of experience in materials research, development, and commercialization, primarily in the areas of energy storage and electronic applications. Prior to joining Wildcat in 2013, Dr. Strand served as a Research Fellow at Dow Chemical, where she was the technical lead in Dow Energy Materials, as well as the Principal Investigator on external research programs with universities and national labs on battery materials. Dr. Strand also has extensive experience in patent analysis and technical due diligence of new technologies. Dr. Strand completed her PhD in Analytical Chemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, under the supervision of Professor John Schrag. Her PhD research focused on rheology and birefringence of polymeric solutions. Dr. Strand also holds a Master of Science degree in Chemistry from the California Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from North Dakota State University.

TUT14: BMS & Charging

Detailed Agenda
Scott Trimboli, PhD, Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Gregory L. Plett, PhD, Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
3:00 pm

Specifically Algorithms for Battery Management

Scott Trimboli, PhD, Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Battery management systems must perform several tasks including estimating state of charge, state of health, state of power, and state of energy. Various approaches are available to accomplish these goals. This tutorial will give an overview of commonly used methods and discuss some of their individual advantages and disadvantages. Methods based on empirical equivalent circuit models will be highlighted but methods using physics-based models will also be introduced.

3:00 pm

Algorithms for Battery Management Systems

Gregory L. Plett, PhD, Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Battery management systems must perform several tasks, including estimating state of charge, state of health, state of power, and state of energy. Various approaches are available to accomplish these goals. This tutorial will give an overview of commonly used methods and discuss some of their individual advantages and disadvantages. Methods based on empirical equivalent circuit models will be highlighted, but methods using physics-based models will also be introduced. 


Scott Trimboli, PhD, Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Professor Trimboli’s research focuses on development of control strategies for the management of high-capacity battery systems such as found in electric vehicles. He is currently involved in multiple projects where he leads investigation on battery modeling and the application of model-predictive control to improve the performance and extend the lifetime of lithium ion battery cells. Other research efforts include: reduced-order modeling methods, modeling of lithium-ion degradation mechanisms, empirical and physics-based modeling of lithium-ion battery thermal properties, as well as predictive methods for power estimation.

Gregory L. Plett, PhD, Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Professor Plett received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 1998. Since then, he has been on the faculty of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. His research focuses on control-systems theory as applied to the management of high-capacity battery systems, such as found in hybrid and electric vehicles. Current research efforts include: physics-based reduced-order modeling of ideal lithium-ion dynamics; system identification of physics-based model parameters using only current-voltage input-output data; physics-based reduced-order modeling of degradation mechanisms in electrochemical cells; estimation of cell internal state and degradation state; state-of-charge, state-of-health and state-of-life estimation; power and energy prediction; and battery pack fast charging.

TUT15: Battery Intelligence – Part 2

Detailed Agenda
Kevin Wood, PhD, Senior Solutions Engineer, Voltaiq, Inc.
3:00 pm

Battery Intelligence – Part 2

Kevin Wood, PhD, Senior Solutions Engineer, Voltaiq, Inc.


1. Advanced Characterization Overview


3. Pulse Characterization


5. Battery Gnome

6. Meta Data to Performance

7. Machine Learning


Kevin Wood, PhD, Senior Solutions Engineer, Voltaiq, Inc.

Dr. Kevin N. Wood is a Sr. Solutions Engineer and Electrochemistry Expert for Voltaiq. He is also currently an adjunct professor of Mechanical Engineering at San Diego State University. Before joining Voltaiq Dr. Wood was both a Professor and CTO managing over $7.5 Million dollars of battery related government and industry sponsored research projects since 2018. He has 5 Patents in the energy storage space and 25 peer reviewed journal publications focused on electrochemical data analysis. His technological advances in characterization and electrochemical analysis have been highlighted by the National Academy of Engineering, PBS, and the Discovery channel. In 2018 his advances were awarded impact paper of the year by Nature Publishing for Future Lithium-based Batteries. In 2021 Dr. Wood gave a TEDx talk on “The Coming Battery Revolution”.

TUT16: The Rechargeable Battery Market: Value Chain and Main Trends

Detailed Agenda
Christophe Pillot, PhD, Director, Avicenne Energy
Michael Sanders, Senior Advisor, Energy, Avicenne Energy
3:00 pm

The Rechargeable Battery Market: Value Chain and Main Trends, 2022-2032

Christophe Pillot, PhD, Director, Avicenne Energy

Michael Sanders, Senior Advisor, Energy, Avicenne Energy


This tutorial will present the 10-year automotive market forecasts from Avicenne and other analysts (micro|Hybrid|P-HEV|EV). Other coverage will include car makers’ strategies and advanced energy storage (advanced lead acid|supercap|NiMH|LIB). Additionally, LIB design for P-HEV & EV markets (cylindrical, prismatic, pouch/wounded, stacked, Z fold cells) and LIB cell, module & pack cost structure will be discussed.


  • The rechargeable battery market in 2022
  • Battery market by application
  • Electronic devices, xEV, e-bikes, power tools
  • Stationary applications
  • Raw material for lithium-ion battery supply chain
  • Battery market forecasts, 2022-2032
  • Focus on xEV market
  • OEM supply chain
  • xEV forecasts
  • Impact of Li-ion batteries on lead acid battery market
  • Conclusions​​


Christophe Pillot, PhD, Director, Avicenne Energy

Christophe has built up considerable expertise in the area of batteries. He joined AVICENNE 26 years ago and spent 3 years in Japan analyzing the Japanese electronic, mobile & battery market. Christophe has acquired extensive experience in marketing, strategy analysis, technology and financial studies for the battery and power management fields. He developed the Battery market analysis for AVICENNE, which serves more than 220 customers worldwide. Christophe has published several annual surveys such as "The Rechargeable Battery Market". He is also the founder & chairman of Batteries - an international industry conference held in France since 1999. He is now Director at AVICENNE ENERGY. Globally, he has been involved in more than 300 projects for 200+ customers in the Battery value chain. Before joining AVICENNE, Christophe held a key position in FRANCE TELECOM's innovation division. He has a degree in Chemistry & an MBA in Innovation Management from Paris IX Dauphine. His mother tongue is French, and he speaks fluent English.

Michael Sanders, Senior Advisor, Energy, Avicenne Energy

Mike has significant energy storage materials value chain understanding with an emphasis on lithium-ion batteries and systems with 13 years of market knowledge and relationships. Successful program leadership experience with significant business growth in ventures and existing businesses with a proven track record leading mergers and acquisition teams to enter the lithium-ion battery materials market. He joined AVICENNE in May of 2016 as a Senior Advisor. Since joining the AVICENNE team, Mike has been leading the US AVICENNE activity working with many clients holding strategy workshops, validation of growth opportunities, helping clients establish their growth plans in energy storage, and establishing M&A targets/diligence. Before joining AVICENNE, Mike had a very long career with DuPont, his most recent role was the Global Marketing Director – Energy Storage Venture where he developed significant understanding and insights for the energy storage materials market, device manufacturing, and systems while leading global marketing and customer interface efforts to establish programs to enter the $20B energy storage materials market. Executed strategic and market planning for opportunity evaluation, research, choices, and M&A activity for entry into rapidly growing new market. He has a degree in Chemistry from the University of Delaware and is a member of the Society of Automotive Engineers and Electrochemical Society.

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