Track 1
xEV Battery Technology, Applications, and Market
June 15-17, 2016 | Cobo Center | Detroit, Michigan
Part of the 16th Annual Advanced Automotive Battery Conference
No longer able to meet the tightening government emission regulations with conventional diesel and gasoline engines, automakers will commence rapid expansion of their xEV offerings starting in 2018. Without clarity regarding the customers’ appetite for these vehicles, developers are spreading their bets on multiple architectures—mild and strong hybrids, plug-in hybrids, battery and fuel-cell electric vehicles—striving to meet the regulations at a cost they can pass to their customers. Consequently, while the expanding xEV market is alluring, the supply chain—particularly the battery suppliers—is under strong pressure to enhance performance and reduce pricing and help automakers achieve profitability.
The large variability in energy-storage requirements for the wide spectrum of xEV architectures creates opportunities for multiple cell chemistries, cells and pack designs. In this program: i) xEV vehicle and battery developers will discuss the chosen battery designs and present performance data for existing vehicles; ii) Automakers will present vehicle development and energy-storage requirements for future micro, mild, and strong hybrid vehicles, as well as for PHEVs and EVs; iii) Energy-storage developers will present the latest achievements in meeting the requirements of the various xEV architectures including performance and life; and iv) Infrastructure charging technology and logistic issues will be assessed.
Final Agenda
Arrive Early and Attend a Tutorial or Symposium
12:00 pm Conference Registration Open
12:20 Networking Lunch
1:05 Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
2:00 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks
Menahem Anderman, Ph.D., President, Total Battery Consulting
2:05 Vehicle Electrification: Challenges and Opportunities
Kevin Layden, Director, Electrified Powertrain Engineering, Ford Motor Company
Regulations and restrictions on ICE emissions including CO2, particulates and other tailpipe emissions are in place promoting the introduction of electrified vehicles and requiring increased options from manufacturers. However, oil price has reached a 13-year low. To enable expansion of xEVs, the battery industry must not only continue to deliver the cost, weight, energy, and power density improvements it has demonstrated over the past decade, but it must go further and work with its partners to enhance features that batteries can provide exclusively. This will make electrified vehicles the consumers’ first choice.
2:25 Electric Vehicles: Current Status and Future View of Nissan
Yasuharu Watanabe, General Manager, EV and HEV Battery Engineering Department, Nissan Motor Company
This presentation will introduce future possibility and engineering direction of Nissan Electric vehicle, which realize the long driving range by battery evolution. It will also introduce the field data and customers’ opinions through the experiences of over 200,000 vehicles of the Nissan LEAF, which was released in December of 2010.
2:45 Toyota’s Electrification Roadmap
Michael Lord, Executive Engineer, Vehicle Regulation and Certification Engineering, Toyota Technical Center, Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing NA
The presentation will discuss Toyota’s electrification plan. In the short term, continued improvement and propagation of hybrid technology, including the expansion of plug-in hybrids, will provide the greatest benefits for C02 reduction. For full electric drive, Toyota is focused on the launch of the Mirai Fuel Cell Vehicle and believes that fuel cell vehicles have the greatest potential for use as general purpose household cars and large vehicles. For limited-range city vehicles, battery EVs could fit the requirement.
3:05 Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
4:00 xEV Expansion, Technology and Market Outlook
Menahem Anderman, Ph.D., President, Total Battery Consulting
In this presentation, electrified-vehicle market expansion and battery technology and market development from micro-hybrids to full EVs will be discussed. As for battery technology, the key challenge is to enhance performance—to ease battery packaging in the car and reduce cost, while maintaining or improving durability, reliability, and safety.
4:30 Analysis of xEV/LIB Market Trends and Findings from the Tear-down Program of xEV
Takeshi Miyamoto, Senior Vice President, B3 Corporation
Great expansion of PHEV/BEV market is expected from MY17. Attractive models are coming with high energy and low cost battery solution. At the initial stages in the formation of such an enormous market, it is vitally important to check and benchmark specifications and product trends. Within that work, LIB packs are the most important components. B3 will provide the analysis on xEV/LIB market trend and finding from the tear-down program of xEV/LIB.
4:50 Hybrids Versus Diesel and Other Technologies, Including Impact of Recent NOx Scandal
John German, Senior Fellow, ICCT
The presentation will discuss test versus real life CO2 and pollutant emission of various advanced vehicle architectures, including advanced gasoline and diesel, hybrids, plug in hybrids, full battery, and Fuel Cell EVs. Improvements in conventional technologies and hybrids, and their impacts on paths to low CO2, will also be assessed.
5:10 Q&A
5:30 Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
7:00 Close of Day
9:00 Continental Breakfast Roundtable Discussions
Join your colleagues and fellow delegates over breakfast for a focused, informal discussion moderated by a member of our speaking faculty. A small group format allows participants to meet potential collaborators, share examples from their own work and discuss ideas with peers. Click here to see the full listing of topics and moderators.
10:00 Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
11:00 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks
William Wallace, Director, Global Battery Systems, General Motors Co.
11:05 Battery System for the Chevy Bolt
Greg Smith, Engineering Manager BEV Battery Packs, General Motors
11:25 Design and Integration of the Chrysler Minivan PHEV High Voltage Battery System
Steven Clark, Senior Manager Energy Storage & HV Systems, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
The Chrysler Minivan PHEV embodies a balanced set of functions, responding to the needs of both consumers and regulatory requirements. The battery for the PHEV was designed to satisfy multiple global requirements, and meet the stringent functional and environmental requirements demanded by the vehicle.
11:45 Features of Outlander PHEV and Requirements of its Battery
Hiroyuki Sakai, EV/Powertrain System Engineering Department, Development Engineering Office, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation
In order for SUVs, requiring long cruising distance and stable all-wheel-drive performance, to have high environmental performance of EV and high quality driving performance, the twin motor 4WD plug-in hybrid (PHEV) system was developed and Outlander PHEV with this system has been launched onto the markets. Features of this vehicle as an EV, in conjunction with battery specifications required by the PHEV system including future systems, are presented.
12:05 pm xEV Battery System Trend Assessment
Kevin R. Konecky, Energy Storage Systems Consultant, Total Battery Consulting
12:25 Q&A
12:40 Networking Lunch
1:30 Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
2:15 Chairperson’s Remarks
Monique Richard, Senior Principal Engineer Material Engineering Division, Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North America
2:20 Battery Development for the New Prius
Koji Takahata, Toyota Motor Corporation
The 4th Generation Prius offers a Li-ion battery pack. The state of the art battery in the Prius represents Toyota’s most improved Li-ion battery developed purposefully for strong hybrid traction application. This presentation will discuss the results from evaluation (related to safety and reliability) of the Li-ion battery pack and introduce the design concept and evaluation results of the new Li-ion battery cell.
2:40 Development of Battery System for the New NSX
Junji Uetake, Automobile R&D Center, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Honda has developed a flagship Sport-Hybrid System with a high dynamic performance. Battery packs (IPU:Intelligent Power Unit) of NSX are compact and have light weight packaging. Battery performance of NSX is of high energy and lithium-ion based. The direct connection with HVAC cools the battery effectively in NSX’s new system.
3:00 48V, a Cost-Effective Approach to Reducing Real-World Diesel Passenger Car NOx and CO2 Emissions?
Lawrence Alger, Ph.D., Technical Manager, EV/HV Engineering, Denso Corporation
Light Electrification, which can reduce engine out NOx emissions, may present not only an affordable solution to ever-tighter emissions legislation, but also one that, unlike emissions aftertreatment, offers a reduction in CO2 emissions. Furthermore, by actively supporting the engine during transient operation it would help to reduce the sensitivity to different real-world driving styles and deliver genuine reductions off-cycle as well as on-cycle. Using a diesel plant model capable of accurately simulating transient emissions, the technical specifications required for 48V B-ISG system to meet future NOx emissions were investigated.
3:20 Refreshment Break
3:40 Lead Acid Solution for Low-Voltage Hybrid Vehicles
Jun Furakawa, Ph.D., Senior Fellow, Furakawa Battery Company
The UltraBattery comprises a capacitor integrated with lead-acid cell. The second-generation UltraBattery was developed for the newest low-voltage hybrid vehicles equipped with integrated starter-generator (ISG) for power-assist function during acceleration and enhancing regeneration function. The advantages of the second-generation UltraBattery for low-voltage hybrid vehicles will be discussed.
4:00 Toshiba “SCiB™” with LTO Anode for Low-Voltage Hybrid Systems
Koji Ishiwa, Senior Manager, Automotive Systems Division, Toshiba Corporation
Low-voltage hybrid systems such as 12V-dual, 12V-single and 48V are highly focused from the viewpoints of total environment and fuel economy. In the presentation, recent development activities of Toshiba SCiB™ for such applications will be presented.
4:20 Safety Requirements for Low-Voltage Systems
Jeff Kessen, Vice President, Corporate Strategy, A123 Systems
As the number of micro-hybrid development programs continues to grow around the world, a wide diversity of battery safety requirements is emerging despite the broad application of common energy storage technologies. To gain perspective on safety trends in low voltage batteries, example OEM requirements will be compared to typical safety requirements of both high-voltage lithium-ion batteries as well as lead-acid starter batteries. Multiple dimensions of safety performance will be explored including vehicle crash considerations.
4:40 Q&A
5:00 Close of Day
8:30 am Morning Coffee
9:00 Chairperson’s Remarks
Bob Taenaka, Technical Leader, Advanced Battery Systems, Ford Motor Company
9:05 Predicting and Validating Battery Life in xEV Applications
Bob Taenaka, Technical Leader, Advanced Battery Systems, Ford Motor Company
A combination of testing and modeling is used at Ford to predict battery life for all xEV applications; a high-level overview of this process will be presented. Additionally, key life tests and actual customer field data are used to validate battery life predictions – a couple of examples will be presented for illustration.
9:25 Battery System Design Considerations between the Chevrolet Spark EV and the Bolt EV
JT Guerin, Engineering Specialist, General Motors
The design considerations behind the Chevrolet Spark EV and the Chevrolet Bolt EV will be discussed focusing on the thermal design and battery life. The presentation will contrast the battery designs of the Spark and Bolt EV, highlighting how the differences between vehicles influenced the system design, while meeting performance and life requirements.
9:45 Development of Robust Real-World Usage Cases for Electric Vehicles
Paul Haney, Manager Advanced Energy Storage, Low Carbon Vehicles Research, Jaguar Land Rover Ltd.
OEMs must ensure the robustness of their electric vehicles in terms of quality and performance. Therefore it is essential to determine the performance of the batteries in test conditions as close as possible to ‘real world’ use. This presentation will describe the process followed to develop these ‘real world’ usage cases which aim to limit the number of future warranty claims that may arise from battery performance related issues.
10:05 Coffee Break
10:30 New Material Development for Enhanced Life of High Energy Lithium-Ion Batteries for xEV
Jong Hun Kim, Ph.D., Research Fellow & Team Leader, PHEV/EV Cell Development, LG Chem
High-energy materials are absolutely needed to maximize energy density for longer AER and reduce cost per energy, though sometimes they cause accelerated performance degradation and make life shorter. New battery materials were developed to enhance durability and life of high energy lithium-ion batteries. New anode material minimized battery swelling and mechanical stress on batteries could be easily controlled, and new electrolyte additives reinforced SEI layer.
10:50 Optimizing Battery Usage and Management for Long Life
Kandler Smith, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Energy-Storage Group, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
This presentation discusses the impact of system design factors on battery aging and end of life. Topics include sizing of the SOC operating window, cell balancing and thermal management systems and their value in reducing pack degradation rates and cell imbalance growth over lifetime.
11:10 Calendar Life Performance of Hitachi Power Cell
Kenji Nakai, Group Leader, LIB Cell Development Department, Hitachi Automotive Systems
Cell chemistry is one of the most effective design points to accomplish the performance of battery desired from HEV field. Based on chemistry generation change in the Hitachi power cell product, the results of calendar life tested at various temperatures and SOC, will be discussed.
11:30 Q&A
11:50 Networking Lunch
1:20 pm Chairperson’s Remarks
Christian Jung, Ph.D., Development Engineer, Porsche AG
1:25 EVs and PHEVs Charging Habits
James Francfort, Program Manager, Energy Storage and Transportation Systems, Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho National Laboratory has collected driving and charging profiles and preferences from 8,000 electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and 17,000 charging units in order to benchmark drivers’ vehicle operations and recharging preferences when using Level 2 and DC Fast Chargers in residential, public and workplace locations. In this presentation, these preferences and use rates will be discussed.
1:45 The Future of EVs and Fast Charging at 800V
Christian Jung, Ph.D., Development Engineer, Porsche AG
Most of today’s electric vehicles show a realistic electric range of less than 200 km - enough for most of the daily drives. Nevertheless experience shows that this approach doesn’t satisfy all customer expectations. The success factor for e-mobility is an electric range comparable to ICE vehicles in combination with comfortable and fast charging. These demands can be met by implementation of the 800 Volt technology. Based on motor sport experience, Porsche started to transfer this technology into series development. Thereto some components have to be adjusted, 800 V infrastructure must be rolled out and standards have to be expanded. This presentation discusses advantages and the strategic importance of this innovation.
2:05 Secondary Use EV/PHEV Batteries for Grid Markets
Ben Ollis, R&D Staff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
An important aspect to wide-scale energy storage acceptance for the utility industry is verification of the performance and life of energy storage systems. In support of this objective, a testing platform has been developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to test energy storage units in real-world applications and analyze key performance metrics. ORNL has utilized electricity market prices to optimally dispatch a grid connected energy storage unit consisting of used EV/PHEV batteries.
2:25 Q&A
2:40 Refreshment Break
2:55 Chairperson’s Remarks
Mark Duvall, Director, Electric Transportation and Energy Storage, Electric Power Research Institute
3:00 Status of FCEVs and H2 Infrastructure in California - The Challenges Met and What’s Next
Bill Elrick, Executive Director, California Fuel Cell Partnership
With fuel cell electric vehicles now commercially available and the California Roadmap and ZEV Action Plan documents as guidance, California is nearly half way to the 100 hydrogen station objective for initial commercial launch. This presentation will highlight the current status, progress made and priority activities for advancing the commercial market in California.
3:20 Charging Infrastructure Progress and Challenges
Mark Duvall, Director, Electric Transportation and Energy Storage, Electric Power Research Institute
3:40 Charging Infrastructure – Southern California Edison Experience
Jordan W. Smith, Engineering Manager Advanced Technology, Southern California Edison
Southern California Edison developed a program to install thousands of charging stations in long-term parking locations. SCE developed requirements for EVSE, and established a qualification process to select a pool of qualified EVSE. The requirements focus on hardware and controls. Equipment must have the capability to respond to standard utility DR signals, presenting a versatile asset which enables further electrification of transportation while managing grid system impact.
4:00 Q&A
4:20 Closing Remarks
4:30 Close of Conference