Sunday, 12 June
16:00 Early Registration* (Rheinfoyer Garderobe)
*Come in early to get your badge and avoid the Monday morning rush!
18:00 Early Registration Ends
Monday, 13 June
07:30 Registration and Morning Coffee (Rheinfoyer Garderobe)
09:00 Organizer's Remarks
Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech
09:05 Chairperson's Remarks
Juergen Garche, CEO, FCBAT Fuel Cell & Battery Consulting
09:10 A Review of Current EU Battery Regulation
Rene Schroeder, Executive Director, EUROBAT
Alistair Davidson, Director, Consortium for Battery Innovation
This presentation will discuss the current regulatory situation with regard to lead batteries in Europe. The status of the current review of the exemption for lead batteries under the End Of Life Vehicles Directive will be discussed, as will the REACH Regulation and the new EU battery Regulation.
09:30 Delivering Next-Generation Advanced Lead Batteries: CBI Technical Program
Beguem Bozkaya, PhD, Technical Manager; Consortium for Battery Innovation
The work of the Consortium for Battery Innovation (CBI) has been critical for advancing the lead battery technology to provide reliable, safe and sustainable batteries for an increasingly decarbonized and electrified work. The CBI has developed a technical program concentrated on 12 V automotive and energy storage systems (ESS) applications in order to improve the dynamic charge acceptance (DCA) and lifetime of lead batteries under partial state-of-charge (PSoC) conditions. The technical program includes various projects across the UK, EU and USA that covers both fundamental and applied research. In this presentation, the CBI technical program with a focus on its main findings will be overviewed.
09:50 Oxygen Cycle in Lead-Acid Batteries: Implications from Inhomogeneous Oxygen Reduction Reaction at Negative Mass
Eberhard Meissner, PhD, Battery Expert
Reactions in lead-acid batteries like oxygen cycle are mostly discussed globally for respective electrodes, without local discretization over electrode area and thickness. At negative electrode, oxygen reduction and oxidation of metallic lead are forming a redox-couple but may have different spatial distributions. Reactions taking place at different locations may explain formation of inhomogeneous and probably deleterious negative-mass structures, esp. from dynamic PSoC battery duty like Start-Stop and frequency regulation.
10:10 MODERATED Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
Panel Moderator:
Juergen Garche, CEO, FCBAT Fuel Cell & Battery Consulting
Rene Schroeder, Executive Director, EUROBAT
Alistair Davidson, Director, Consortium for Battery Innovation
Beguem Bozkaya, PhD, Technical Manager; Consortium for Battery Innovation
Eberhard Meissner, PhD, Battery Expert
10:30 Networking Coffee Break (Rheinfoyer Garderobe)
10:50 X-Ray Diffraction during High Pulse Power Characterization of Lead Acid Batteries
Timothy T. Fister, Materials Scientist, Chemical Sciences & Engineering, Argonne National Laboratory
Lead-acid batteries are often operated at conditions far from equilibrium during CCA, DCA, or HPPC tests with overlapping Faradaic, capacitive, and gas evolution processes. Here, we use synchrotron X-ray diffraction during HPPC of a 2V cell to independently evaluate changes in negative and positive species during charge and discharge pulses. Using these results, we measure variation in utilization and Faradaic charge acceptance during each pulse and its variation with position, SOC, and carbon content.
11:10 Advanced Lead Batteries: Public Funding Opportunities
Carl Telford, Research & Innovation Manager, Consortium for Battery Innovation
In Europe, public funding opportunities for lead-based batteries at a fundamental level are limited. For instance, the European Union (EU) is investing heavily in lithium-ion battery chemistries. However, CBI believes that lead batteries could fulfill important roles in the future European circular economy. In this presentation, we will discuss the status of several lead-battery projects that CBI is initiating in Europe.
11:30 MODERATED Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
Panel Moderator:
Juergen Garche, CEO, FCBAT Fuel Cell & Battery Consulting
Timothy T. Fister, Materials Scientist, Chemical Sciences & Engineering, Argonne National Laboratory
Carl Telford, Research & Innovation Manager, Consortium for Battery Innovation
12:10 Networking Lunch (Kongress)
13:40 Chairperson's Remarks
Alistair Davidson, Director, Consortium for Battery Innovation
13:45 ArcActive: The Enabling Technology for East Penn’s Innovative Products
Bernd Engwicht, Director of Application Engineering, Product Engineering, East Penn Manufacturing
Innovative component technologies are allowing the lead battery technology to advance towards the performance range of Lithium Battery technology. ArcActive Carbon felt material as replacement of lead grid structure has shown significant improvement regarding the rechargeability of lead batteries. The application in Micro, Mild, and even PHEV and BEV will lead to a high impact on the fuel consumption or emission reduction on one side and on system reliability and driving range on the other side. The development status will be updated, and an outlook will be provided about further potential with East Penn Lead Batteries.
14:05 ArcActive: A Technology Update for ArcActive's Carbon Fiber-Based Negative Electrode
Shane Christie, CTO, ArcActive Ltd.
The rise of EVs brings forth new use-cases and technical challenges for low-voltage automotive lead batteries. Attributes such as charge recoverability, float/stand life, and low SoC discharge power are likely to replace “CCA” performance as the defining attributes of low-voltage EV “Auxiliary” batteries. ArcActive has been exploring the applicability of its technology to this emerging use-case. This presentation will detail performance attributes arising from the use of a carbon-fiber structured negative in EV-Aux applications.
14:25 Deep Discharge of Batteries in Vehicles – Background, Requirement, and Solutions – Comparison of LAB with other Electrochemical Power Sources
Juergen Garche, CEO, FCBAT Fuel Cell & Battery Consulting
Often, batteries are the only power source in parked vehicles. A very deep discharge can result from long-term battery draining with extremely low currents causing premature battery aging and car incidences. The achieved high mass utilization (AMU) and an extremely low acid concentration can change the LAB electrochemistry. The lecture will therefore discuss the electrochemical, chemical, and physical processes under these conditions as well as countermeasures to prevent damage of cells.
14:45 MODERATED Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
Panel Moderator:
Alistair Davidson, Director, Consortium for Battery Innovation
Shane Christie, CTO, ArcActive Ltd.
Bernd Engwicht, Director of Application Engineering, Product Engineering, East Penn Manufacturing
Juergen Garche, CEO, FCBAT Fuel Cell & Battery Consulting
15:05 Networking Refreshment Break (Rheinfoyer Garderobe)
15:25 Understanding Self-Discharge or What's Going on Inside a Lead-Acid Battery When Nothing Happens Outside
Mikael Cugnet, Battery Expert, CEA Liten
A physics-based model has been developed to study the main electrochemical processes at stake during the battery self-discharge at different temperatures, explaining why the battery still remains active even when it is unused. Moreover, we will show how each electrode behaves independently from the other and the further consequences.
15:45 Field SLI Battery Investigation: Failure Modes and Electrical Characterization
Jonathan Wirth, MSc, Technical Specialist lead–acid batteries, BatterieIngenieure GmbH
Data from SLI batteries in the application are particularly important for the development and validation of diagnostic algorithms. Therefore, batteries from the field were tested in our lab. Electrical results were validated and extended by TDA of several samples to analyze the aging effects in detail. Outcomes of these investigations will be presented and discussed.
16:05 MODERATED Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
Panel Moderator:
Alistair Davidson, Director, Consortium for Battery Innovation
Mikael Cugnet, Battery Expert, CEA Liten
Jonathan Wirth, MSc, Technical Specialist lead–acid batteries, BatterieIngenieure GmbH
16:45 Transition to Breakout Discussions
16:55 Interactive Roundtable Discussions (Kongress)
Roundtable discussions are informal, moderated discussions with brainstorming and interactive problem solving, allowing participants from diverse backgrounds to exchange ideas and experiences and develop future collaborations around a focused topic.
IN-PERSON ONLY: TABLE 1: Silicon Anodes for Battery Technology
Ewout Lubberman, Head of Product, LeydenJar Technologies BV
IN-PERSON ONLY: TABLE 2: Artificial Intelligence for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Weihan Li, Independent Junior Research Group Leader, RWTH Aachen University
IN-PERSON ONLY: TABLE 3: Comprehensive Battery Benchmarking
Tal Sholklapper, CEO & Co-Founder, Voltaiq, Inc.
Michael Schoenleber, Co-Founder & CTO, Batemo GmbH
IN-PERSON ONLY: TABLE 4: Innovations in Recycling Battery Materials & Second Life
Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC
IN-PERSON ONLY: TABLE 5: Battery Cost vs CO2 Footprint – What Will the Proposed Legislation Bring?
Wenzel Prochazka, Senior Product Manager, Battery Systems, AVL List GmbH
IN-PERSON ONLY: TABLE 6: Silicon Anodes and Cells
Benjamin Park, PhD, Founder & CTO, Enevate Corp.
IN-PERSON ONLY: TABLE 7: Li-Ion NMC Fast Charging New Cells for E-Mobility
Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.
IN-PERSON ONLY: TABLE 8: Advances in Sodium-Ion Battery Materials
Philipp Adelhelm, PhD, Professor, Institute of Chemistry, Humboldt University Berlin
17:55 Grand Opening Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Rheinfoyer)

18:55 Registration for Dinner Tutorials (Rheinfoyer Garderobe)
19:15 Dinner Tutorials
*All Access Package, or separate registration required. See Tutorial page for details.
20:45 Close of Day
Tuesday, 14 June
08:30 Registration and Morning Coffee (Rheinfoyer Garderobe)
09:00 Organizer's Remarks
Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech
09:30 PANEL DISCUSSION: Which Role Will Lead Batteries Play in Electric Vehicles?
Panel Moderator:
Christian Rosenkranz, PhD, Vice President, Government Relations, EMEA, Clarios
Technological breakthroughs in microcycling capability and DCA have provided lead batteries with opportunities to grow in stop/start and micro-hybrid vehicles, reducing CO2 emissions of conventional powertrains. As BEV are now quickly gaining volume in developed markets, what will be the future of automotive lead batteries? Almost all BEV retain a 12V battery for voltage stabilization, key-off power supply, and emerging safety functions. Besides being mature and cost-efficient, lead battery technology can offer some inherent advantages in terms of reliability, robustness, and straightforward system integration. The panel will discuss opportunities for improved performance as well as challenges in terms of design, failure-rate prove-out, and diagnostics. Advanced PbA batteries were optimized over the last years in micro-cycling capabilities and dynamic charge acceptance -> will this provide a benefit in the changing environment of an electrified powertrain 12V AUX battery? From a vehicle architecture perspective, which are the new breakthroughs in 12V PbA technology needed to design the optimum 12V AUX battery? Which technological strengths are system-intrinsic to PbA? How do we project life and failure rate of the new 12V AUX batteries? How can we improve diagnostics of 12V AUX batteries in light of the increasing reliability expectations? What are individual battery company - 12VAUX - product experiences you are willing to share with the public?
Eckhard Karden, PhD, Tech Expert, Battery & Energy Storage Technology, Ford Research Center
Dirk Weber, Engineering Lead, EMEA Flooded Systems Design, Clarios
Beguem Bozkaya, PhD, Technical Manager; Consortium for Battery Innovation
Bernd Engwicht, Director of Application Engineering, Product Engineering, East Penn Manufacturing
Luca Brisotto, Director, OE Homologations & Requirements Analysis R&D EMEA, Exide Technologies
10:50 Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Rheinfoyer)
12:40 Close of Chemistry & Materials for Lead-Based Batteries Symposium