Sunday, 12 June
16:00 Early Registration* (Rheinfoyer Garderobe)
*Come in early to get your badge and avoid the Monday morning rush!
18:00 Early Registration Ends
Monday, 13 June
07:30 Registration and Morning Coffee (Rheinfoyer Garderobe)
09:00 Organizer's Remarks
Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech
09:05 Chairperson's Remarks
Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC
09:10 The ReCell Center: Working to Improve the Economics of Battery Recycling
Jeffrey S. Spangenberger, Director, ReCell Center, Argonne National Laboratory
The ReCell Center, a U.S. Department of Energy-managed program led by Argonne National Laboratory, is working to develop and demonstrate battery recycling technologies that improve the economics of responsible end-of-life lithium-ion battery management. The center focuses on reducing processing costs, increasing product revenues, and overall, enabling lower cost of new batteries. This presentation provides a brief summary of ReCell’s work to create a profitable battery recycling system.
09:30 Creating a Sustainable Lithium-Ion Battery Supply Chain
Elewout Depicker, Vice President Commercial and Corporate Development, Li-Cycle
The global shift to electric vehicles (EVs) is essential when it comes to tackling climate change – and it’s equally important to remember that the lithium-ion batteries within EVs will need to be properly recycled at end-of-life. This presentation will discuss Li-Cycle’s recycling approach – a low-cost, safe, and environmentally friendly process – which recycles all types of Li-ion batteries, with an unparalleled recovery rate of up to 95% of all materials.
09:50 The Road to Sustainable Localized Production of Battery Materials
Thanh Nguyen, Senior Vice President, Deployment, 6K
In this presentation, we will discuss a unique plasma process that successfully addresses all these critical elements, and in conjunction with our recycling partner, provides a complete solution for recycling and upcycling end-of-life battery materials. 6K’s new process enables the next-generation of materials in the energy, transportation, and industrial sectors by displacing costly and wasteful legacy manufacturing approaches with a lower-cost sustainable production platform. providing a path to meeting the cost demands battery producers, recyclers and OEMs require.
10:10 MODERATED Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
Panel Moderator:
Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC
Jeffrey S. Spangenberger, Director, ReCell Center, Argonne National Laboratory
Elewout Depicker, Vice President Commercial and Corporate Development, Li-Cycle
Thanh Nguyen, Senior Vice President, Deployment, 6K
10:30 Networking Coffee Break (Rheinfoyer Garderobe)
10:50 Blueprint for a Li-Ion Battery Recycling Factory in Europe – A Must Have for Sustainable Electric Mobility
Markus Hackmann, Managing Director, E Mobility, P3 Automotive GmbH
Following the strong growth of e-mobility, significant volumes of EOL batteries are expected to flood the market from 2025, exceeding 670 kT by 2030 – a tremendous value pool that simultaneously provides chances for sustainability. Employing efficient hydrometallurgical recycling methods allows for eco-friendly recovery of materials with reduced CO2 footprint compared to conventional mining routes, especially for localized recycling setups omitting complex logistics. P3 will provide an overview of current Li-ion cell CO2 footprint as well as potentials for a European cell recycling company.
11:10 Effective Strategies for Managing End-of-Life Batteries: The Business Case for Re-Use and Recycling
Ulderico Ulissi, PhD, Battery Research Lead, RhoMotion
With electric vehicle and stationary storage markets set to increase more than ten-fold by the end of the decade, and battery production ramping up worldwide, we forecast an increasing volume of battery scrap that will need to be managed in the relatively short term, and a growing volume of devices reaching end-of-life in the long term. Starting from Rho Motion market data, and considering the legislative framework, the presentation will discuss incumbent technologies, with a forecast towards future business cases for re-use and recycling.
The transition to a more sustainable world will place pressures on critical enabling materials. The need to electrify the road transport sector and store renewable energy will increase demand for Li-ion batteries by 450% by 2030. The resultant strain on traditional supply routes will ultimately lead to supply deficits for key battery raw materials. What role can the nascent recycling industry play in an era reliant on batteries?
11:50 MODERATED Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
Panel Moderator:
Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC
Markus Hackmann, Managing Director, E Mobility, P3 Automotive GmbH
Ulderico Ulissi, PhD, Battery Research Lead, RhoMotion
12:10 Networking Lunch (Kongress)
13:40 Chairperson's Remarks
Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech
13:45 Building the Need to Factor Recycling into Battery System Design
Michael Clauss, Technical Consultant, Battery System Integration, IAV GmbH
Current Battery Design is made for assembly but extended sustainable battery requirements like battery directive and circular economy in combination with new applications in second life leading to changes in battery design. We are discussing recycling processes with the different potentials for cost and emission reduction. Based on this investigation IAV developed a closed loop-based battery concept – Eco-Design to reduce emissions by 20%.
14:05 Building Local and Circular Lithium-Ion Recycling Solutions and Networks
Christian LaFrance, Manager, Business Development, Lithion Recycling
A key factor to create a more sustainable battery supply chain is to implement recycling solutions as close as possible to battery manufacturing capacity and close to large EV estimated end-of-life locations. This reality demands flexibility from recyclers in order to propose solutions that will reflect the needs of tomorrow.
14:25 Lithium Batteries Recycling: The Case of the "Black-Mass"
Claude Chanson, PhD, General Manager, Recharge
The recycling process of lithium batteries often includes a crushing stage, producing a battery's active material mixture (BAMM) called the “black-mass." The paper will analyze the legal statute of the BAMM and whether it can reach the “end of waste” statutes, according to the expected level of recycling quality and materials recovery. The conditions to fulfill for a BAMM in order to be legally treated as a recycled product will be described, including REACH and UN Transport of Dangerous Goods declarations.
14:45 MODERATED Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
Panel Moderator:
Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech
Michael Clauss, Technical Consultant, Battery System Integration, IAV GmbH
Christian LaFrance, Manager, Business Development, Lithion Recycling
Claude Chanson, PhD, General Manager, Recharge
15:05 Networking Refreshment Break (Rheinfoyer Garderobe)
15:25 Joint Recovery of Lithium Metal Oxides and Graphite Particles from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Froth Flotation
Anna Vanderbruggen, PhD, Researcher, Helmholtz Institute of Freiberg
The comminution of spent lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) produces a powder containing the active cell components, commonly referred to as “black mass.” Froth flotation has been proposed to treat the fine fraction of black mass as a method to separate anodic graphite particles from cathodic lithium metal oxides.
15:45 What is the Best Set-Up for Recycling of Manufacturing Scrap and Used Batteries in Europe?
Jodok Reinhardt, CEO, Librec AG
What are the challenges for battery and car manufacturers regarding compliant, cost- and CO2-efficient collection, and recovery of valuable manufacturing scrap and batteries? We show available recycling technologies, recovery rates, capacities, market pricing, and competitive landscape in Europe. We present research on most efficient setup and the evolving business model that combines collection, upcycling, recycling, and refining scrap and batteries as a service for battery and car manufacturers.
16:05 MODERATED Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
Panel Moderator:
Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech
Anna Vanderbruggen, PhD, Researcher, Helmholtz Institute of Freiberg
Jodok Reinhardt, CEO, Librec AG
16:45 Transition to Breakout Discussions
16:55 Interactive Roundtable Discussions (Kongress)
Roundtable discussions are informal, moderated discussions with brainstorming and interactive problem solving, allowing participants from diverse backgrounds to exchange ideas and experiences and develop future collaborations around a focused topic.
IN-PERSON ONLY: TABLE 1: Silicon Anodes for Battery Technology
Ewout Lubberman, Head of Product, LeydenJar Technologies BV
IN-PERSON ONLY: TABLE 2: Artificial Intelligence for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Weihan Li, Independent Junior Research Group Leader, RWTH Aachen University
IN-PERSON ONLY: TABLE 3: Comprehensive Battery Benchmarking
Tal Sholklapper, CEO & Co-Founder, Voltaiq, Inc.
Michael Schoenleber, Co-Founder & CTO, Batemo GmbH
IN-PERSON ONLY: TABLE 4: Innovations in Recycling Battery Materials & Second Life
Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC
IN-PERSON ONLY: TABLE 5: Battery Cost vs CO2 Footprint – What Will the Proposed Legislation Bring?
Wenzel Prochazka, Senior Product Manager, Battery Systems, AVL List GmbH
IN-PERSON ONLY: TABLE 6: Silicon Anodes and Cells
Benjamin Park, PhD, Founder & CTO, Enevate Corp.
IN-PERSON ONLY: TABLE 7: Li-Ion NMC Fast Charging New Cells for E-Mobility
Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.
IN-PERSON ONLY: TABLE 8: Advances in Sodium-Ion Battery Materials
Philipp Adelhelm, PhD, Professor, Institute of Chemistry, Humboldt University Berlin
17:55 Grand Opening Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Rheinfoyer)

18:55 Registration for Dinner Tutorials (Rheinfoyer Garderobe)
19:15 Dinner Tutorials*
*All Access Package, or separate registration required. See Tutorial page for details.
20:45 Close of Day
Tuesday, 14 June
08:30 Registration and Morning Coffee (Rheinfoyer Garderobe)
09:00 Organizer's Remarks
Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech
09:05 Chairperson's Remarks
Ulderico Ulissi, PhD, Battery Research Lead, RhoMotion
09:10 EV Battery Recycling in Europe – Circularity as Opportunity for Environment and Raw Material Supply
Philipp Seidel, PhD, Principal, Automotive & Mobility, Arthur D. Little, GmbH
Presentation is based on thorough analysis of upcoming European regulations, recycling processes, technology developments, and strategic actions of market players. It gives an outlook on the volume of the EV battery recycling, the technical developments in the recycling process, and how recycling players position themselves. It summarizes the major success factors from a societal, environmental, and corporate perspective and highlights that the emerging European EV battery industry needs to be circular to keep its promises.
09:30 Future Scenarios for LIB Recycling in Each Region
Akihito Fujita, Senior Manager, Research & Consulting, Nomura Research Institute America, Inc.
Market trends, regulations, key players, and technological development surrounding LIB recycling vary greatly from region to region. Based on the future outlook of the EV market in each region we will introduce our hypothesis on the risks and business opportunities in LIB recycling, by considering multiple scenarios for the LIB recycling market.
09:50 Cathode-Healing for Closed Loop Manufacturing
Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC
OnTo has patented and demonstrated Cathode-Healing direct recycling, an innovative solution to improve the cost and sustainability of battery production. Cathode-healing provides a low-cost route to reuse materials in manufacturing in lieu of sending them to a costly recycler to recover critical elements (e.g., cobalt, nickel, and lithium). The cathode-healing process separates cathode material from the electrode foil, restores its material condition, and returns the cathode material back to the slurry for reformulation and application back to the foil. This internal recycle maintains the cell manufacturer’s ownership of the cell material and reduces value loss.
10:10 MODERATED Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
Panel Moderator:
Ulderico Ulissi, PhD, Battery Research Lead, RhoMotion
Philipp Seidel, PhD, Principal, Automotive & Mobility, Arthur D. Little, GmbH
Akihito Fujita, Senior Manager, Research & Consulting, Nomura Research Institute America, Inc.
Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC
10:30 Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Rheinfoyer)
11:20 Recent Developments on Hydrometallurgical Lead Recycling
Ola Hekselman, CEO and Co-Founder, Solveteq Ltd.
This presentation will discuss different approaches to sustainably recover lead from used lead-acid batteries. Notably, hydrometallurgy is widely considered an attractive alternative to the industry’s pyrometallurgical standard. Solveteq develops novel solvent systems for cost-effective and environmentally-friendly battery recycling, and we will discuss our recent developments focused on scaling up to a closed-loop, continuous operations prototype, process costs at scale, and life-cycle analysis to benchmark with the incumbent technology.
11:40 Efficient and Safe Battery Recycling with Electrochemical Discharge
Annukka Santasalo-Aarnio, PhD, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Aalto University
To ensure high material recovery, the batteries should be able to be mechanically processes to aim for highly concentrated streams. This is possible if we can efficiently discharge the batteries prior recycling and electrochemical discharge has been proposed. Thus, we will present a method to measure battery voltage during the discharge in aqueous salt solutions and propose new media for efficient discharge.
12:00 Sponsored Presentation (Opportunity Available)
12:00 MODERATED Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
Panel Moderator:
Ulderico Ulissi, PhD, Battery Research Lead, RhoMotion
Ola Hekselman, CEO and Co-Founder, Solveteq Ltd.
Annukka Santasalo-Aarnio, PhD, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Aalto University
12:40 Close of the Battery Recycling Symposium