Cambridge EnerTech’s

EV Mobility 2030

SAE and AABC Joint Peer-Reviewed Technical Track

15-16 May 2024

SAE has partnered with AABC to host a technical track which will include peer-reviewed published papers on the latest research and development helping to drive future outcomes of electric vehicle batteries. In addition to the peer-reviewed papers, this track will featured in-depth market overviews and cutting edge presentations from industry veterans. Each year, AABC Europe brings together a global audience of battery technologists and their key suppliers for a must-attend week of development trends, breakthrough technologies, and predictions of the market for years to come. SAE provides thought leaders the opportunity to reach this target rich audience through its extensive peer-reviewed manuscript process so engineers can learn today and keep for long-term reference value in the future. It’s a great partnership! SAE relies on volunteer support to help organize technical presentations and panels. This year's organizers are Brian Engle from Amphenol and Vinay Premnath from UL.

Wednesday, 15 May

Registration Open12:30

Networking Lunch (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)12:40

Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)14:00


Chairperson's Remarks

Marc LeDuc, Technical Content Manager, SAE International


Organizer's Remarks

Frank Bokulich, Product Content and Business Development Manager, SAE International


Numerical Approach for the Characterisation of the Venting Process of Cylindrical Cells under Thermal Runaway Conditions

Javier Marco Gimeno, PhD, Post Doctoral Researcher, Universitat Politécnica de Valencia

The increasing awareness on the harmful effects on the environment of traditional Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) is driving the industry toward cleaner powertrain technologies such as battery-driven Electric Vehicles. Nonetheless, the high energy density of Li-Ion batteries can cause strong exothermic reactions under certain conditions that can lead to catastrophic results, called Thermal Runaway (TR). Hence, a strong effort is being placed on understanding this phenomena and increase battery safety. Specifically, the vented gases and their ignition can cause the propagation of this phenomenon to adjancent batteries in a pack. In this work, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) are employed to predict this venting process in a LG18650 cylindrical battery. The ejection of the generated gases was considered to analyze its dispersion in the surrounding volume through a Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) approach. Initial work has focused on developing an appropiate methodology to set the proper boundary conditions that recreate faithfully these events. Once achieved, macroscopic characteristics of the jet including spray tip penetration and spray angle have been extracted and compared against results obtained from Schlieren technique for the initial venting stage (1st venting) and the TR stage (2nd venting). The numerical procedure shows a good agreement with experimental results in the characteristics analyzed, allowing to overcome the limited field-of-view of Schlieren results by providing a complete representation of the spray morphology. Acknowledgements: Research funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Agencia Estatal de Investigación and FEDER through the project PID2021-124696OB-C21 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER,UE).


A Comparative Analysis of Thermal Runaway Propagation in Different Modular Lithium-ion Battery Configurations

Carlos Mico, PhD, Professor, Universitat Politècnica de València

Thermal runaway is a critical safety concern in lithium-ion battery systems, emphasising the necessity to comprehend its behaviour in various modular setups. This research compares thermal runaway propagation in different modular configurations of lithium-ion batteries by analysing parameters such as cell spacing and distribution, application of phase change materials (PCMs), and implementing insulating materials. The study at the module level includes experimental validation and employs a comprehensive model considering heat transfer due to electrical performance and thermal runaway phenomena. It aims to identify the most effective modular configuration for mitigating thermal runaway risks and enhancing battery safety. The findings provide valuable insights into the design and operation of modular lithium-ion battery systems, guiding engineers and researchers in implementing best practices to improve safety and performance across various applications.

15:20 BTR Research Progress in Solid-state Battery Key Materials

Chenglin Yang, Ph.D. Head of Solid State Department, BTR Group Central Research Institute

BTR is a high-tech company leading in new energy materials such as lithium-ion battery anode and cathode. It has been the world's top anode supplier for 14 years. BTR supports a low-carbon lifestyle and green future through its R&D in solar power, electric vehicles, and energy storage systems. The semi-solid batteries offer enhanced thermal safety and performance, while the all-solid batteries, despite their transformative potential, still face scientific and industrialization hurdles.


Session Wrap-Up


Brian Engle, Manager, Business Development, Electrification, Amphenol


Carlos Mico, PhD, Professor, Universitat Politècnica de València

Javier Marco Gimeno, PhD, Post Doctoral Researcher, Universitat Politécnica de Valencia

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)16:00


Simulation and Evaluation of Battery Aging in Electric Hybrid Storage Systems

Andreas Braun, Product Area Manager, Battery Systems & Methodology, AVL Deutschland GmbH

The extension of traction batteries from electric vehicles with supercapacitors is regularly discussed as a possibility to increase the lifetime of lithium-ion batteries as well as the performance of the vehicle drive. The objective of this work was to validate these assumptions by developing a simulation model. In addition, an economic analysis is performed to qualitatively classify the simulation results. Initially, a hybrid energy storage system consisting of battery and supercapacitor was developed. A semi-active hybrid energy storage topology was selected. Subsequently, the selection of use cases as well as the application-specific definition of load cycles took place. In addition, the control strategy was further developed so that a simulation on lifetime was made possible. The end-of-life of the battery cells was defined, according to the USABC guideline values. Based on the data of the respective use case, a parameter optimization was carried out according to an empirical approach. In the final step, the developed hybrid energy storage system and the conventional battery system were compared, and the results evaluated both technically and economically. A slowdown of the aging effects and thus an improvement of the battery lifetime in the hybrid energy storage system could be clearly demonstrated. Despite proof of the technical advantage, the use of electric hybrid systems consisting of a battery and supercapacitor in electric vehicles is currently questionable due to the high additional costs. Through further technical development, subsidies or the construction of new, highly automated production facilities, supercapacitors will experience a price reduction in the future, which is why electric hybrid energy storage systems can play an important role in the mobility of tomorrow.


Model-Based Knowledge Management in HV Battery Development

Ibtihal Badi, Development Engineer, AVL

In the dynamic landscape of battery development, the quest for improved energy storage and efficiency has become paramount. The contemporary energy transition, coupled with growing demands for electric vehicles, renewable energy sources, and portable electronic devices, has underscored the critical role that batteries play in our modern world. To navigate this challenging terrain and harness the full potential of battery technology, a well-defined and comprehensive data strategy resp. knowledge management strategy are indispensable. Conversely, the imminent and rapid progression of artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to have a substantial impact on the forthcoming landscape of work and the methodologies organizations employ for the management of their knowledge management (KM) procedures. Conventional KM endeavors encompass a spectrum of activities such as the creation, transmission, retention, and evaluation of an enterprise’s knowledge over the entire knowledge lifecycle. However, these effortsfrequently overlook the ongoing advancements within the domain of AI. Consequently, organizations grapple with the integration of AI into their operational milieu to harness enhanced efficiency in outcomes. This paper will draw upon the tenets of the already established KM strategies in AVL High Voltage Energy Systems Team and AI-centric paradigm tailored for the implementation of KMS within organizational frameworks. Our proposed approach serves to fortify the foundations of KM strategy by outlining the ways in which AI interfaces with existing operational procedures. This, in turn, enables a comprehensive comprehension of the potential roles AI could assume in theintricate interplay between knowledge workers and AI systems.


Session Wrap-Up


Brian Engle, Manager, Business Development, Electrification, Amphenol


Andreas Braun, Product Area Manager, Battery Systems & Methodology, AVL Deutschland GmbH

Ibtihal Badi, Development Engineer, AVL

Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)17:50

Close of Day19:00

Thursday, 16 May

Registration and Morning Coffee08:00


Organizer's Remarks

Frank Bokulich, Product Content and Business Development Manager, SAE International


Chairperson's Remarks

Brian Engle, Manager, Business Development, Electrification, Amphenol

08:50 Super EV: Powering the Future with 500-Mile Range and 1000 Horsepower

Ionel Stefan, Chief Technology Officer, Amprius Technologies

Improvements in pure silicon anodes with nanowire structures have enabled LIB energy density and specific energy performance that exceed current state-of-the-art graphite cells by 50-100%, depending on cell size. Commercialized cells have demonstrated 1,300 Wh/L and 500 Wh/Kg and have achieved 4000 W/kg power density with over 400 Wh/kg specific energy density, while maintaining cycle life compatible with aerospace, military, and other high-end applications.


Safety Testing of Stationary Battery Energy Systems: Overview of Standards

Natalia Lebedeva, PhD, Scientific Project Officer, Energy Storage, European Commission


Building Transparent, Traceable, and Responsible Critical Mineral Supply Chains

Douglas Johnson-Poensgen, Founder & CEO, Circulor


Session Wrap-Up


Brian Engle, Manager, Business Development, Electrification, Amphenol


Ionel Stefan, Chief Technology Officer, Amprius Technologies

Natalia Lebedeva, PhD, Scientific Project Officer, Energy Storage, European Commission

Douglas Johnson-Poensgen, Founder & CEO, Circulor

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)10:30


Electrifying the Future: Nickel's Role in Advancing Battery Technology and Markets

Parvin Adeli, PhD, Manager, Batteries, Nickel Institute

With the surge of electric vehicles (EVs), high capacity, high energy density materials are essential to fulfill long-distance travel. Ni-rich cathodes are dominant owing to their high energy density and good rate capability. Batteries are the fastest growing market for nickel and the Nickel Institute (NI) is quite active in this space. This presentation provides an overview of the NI Battery Program followed by the current global EV market and the share of nickel-based battery chemistries. Furthermore, a discussion on the patent landscape and the latest technology developments is included.


Does the Electric Behavior Sufficiently Describe Battery State of Health?

Anna Stefanopoulou, PhD, William Clay Ford Professor of Technology, University of Michigan

Not for cases with sizeable irreversible swelling from plating or gas evolution. Dimensional changes of cells can be harbingers of poor health.

11:40 Road to 1000miles Per Charge—24M Innovative and Proprietary Process and Product Design Platforms

Junzheng Chen, Vice President, 24M Technologies Inc.


Session Wrap-Up


Brian Engle, Manager, Business Development, Electrification, Amphenol


Parvin Adeli, PhD, Manager, Batteries, Nickel Institute

Anna Stefanopoulou, PhD, William Clay Ford Professor of Technology, University of Michigan

Junzheng Chen, Vice President, 24M Technologies Inc.

Networking Lunch (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)12:20

Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Last Chance for Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)13:00


Chairperson's Remarks

Marc LeDuc, Technical Content Manager, SAE International


Battery Safety Standards


Brian Engle, Manager, Business Development, Electrification, Amphenol

Our panel of experts will discuss the SAE/ISO battery safety standards including what is the recommended practice in design standards? In addition, what are recommended practice testing and regulation versus standards will be covered.


Carlos Mico, PhD, Professor, Universitat Politècnica de València

Battery Safety Standards

Michael Harenbrock, PhD, Principal Expert, Engineering Electric Mobility, MANN+HUMMEL GmbH

Wolrdwide Uniform Information for First and Second Responders

Kurt Vollmacher, Project Leader Worldwide Standardised Responder Information, Energy Safety

The project aims to promote the existing ISO 17840 standard for road vehicles (covering passenger cars, buses, coaches, light and heavy commercial vehicles) and create a non-binding, free-of-charge guideline to extend the use of the standard for other applications/systems that use batteries and/or other power sources (not covered by ISO 17840), which includes: fixed and movable installations, maritime vehicles, motorsport vehicles, air vehicles, railroad vehicles, agriculture, construction, heavy machinery and mining vehicles, and electric motorcycles.

Christian Thiele, Ground Vehicle Standards Director, SAE International

Session Break14:55


European Battery Passport, Provenance, and Global Traceability Standards


Ilka Von Dalwigk, Policy Manager, European Battery Alliance

As the global battery community rises to meet demand around the world, the critical key to success depends on the ability to deliver traceable, cost-effective, high-quality, safe cells at-scale. In an effort to deliver on this, our panel of experts will discuss the keys to CO2 tracking, ESG, provenance, and traceability standards in Europe versus the United States.


Douglas Johnson-Poensgen, Founder & CEO, Circulor

Anna Stefanopoulou, PhD, William Clay Ford Professor of Technology, University of Michigan

Traceability and the EV Battery Ecosystem

John Tintinalli, Europe General Manager, SAE International

Scaling electrified mobility brings its own set of environmental and political challenges. Much work needs to be done at a global scale to improve traceability of battery content and production in order to realize the full benefits of electrification.

Close of Conference16:10

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