Application Track 1
xEV Battery Technology, Application, & Market
31 January – 1 February 2018 | Congress Centrum Mainz | Mainz, Germany
No longer able to meet the tightening government emission regulations with conventional diesel and gasoline engines, automakers have accelerated the development of their xEV offerings to meet the more stringent upcoming regulations. Without clarity regarding
the customers’ interest in these vehicles, developers are spreading their bets on multiple architectures—mild and strong hybrids, plug-in hybrids, battery and fuel-cell electric vehicles (with various driving ranges)—striving to
meet the regulations at a cost they can pass to their customers. Consequently, while the expanding xEV market is alluring, the supply chain—particularly the battery suppliers—is under strong pressure to enhance performance, reduce pricing,
and help automakers to improve the vehicles’ value proposition and achieve profitability.
The wide range of energy-storage requirements for the many types of xEV architectures creates opportunities for multiple cell chemistries, and cell and pack designs. In this symposium, i) industry observers will discuss market drivers and trends, ii)
xEV and xEV battery developers will discuss the chosen battery designs and present performance data for existing vehicles, iii) automakers will present vehicle development and energy-storage requirements for future micro, mild, and strong hybrid vehicles,
as well as for PHEVS and EVs, and iv) energy-storage developers will present the latest achievements in meeting the requirements of the various xEV architectures, including performance and life.
Final Agenda
Wednesday, 31 January
8:00 Conference Registration & Morning Coffee
8:35 Opening Plenary Session
8:35 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks
Menahem Anderman, Ph.D., President, Total Battery Consulting, Inc.
8:40 Renault EV and Its Battery
Masato Origuchi, Electrical Energy Storage System Expert, Renault
Since the launch of the first mass market electric vehicle ZOE at the end of 2011, Renault is continuously evolving its performances especially the battery energy which has been drastically increased to 41kWh in the new ZOE ZE40. Up to now the most
of the efforts has been made to increase the energy density for extending the insufficient driving range and it is true that it was the key to success for the expansion of the EV market. But from now in order to create the real EV era, optimization
of the battery among different aspects becomes crucial in order for EV and the batteries to be sustainable. This presentation will show Renault’s EV and its battery perspectives based on the ZOE experiences.
9:00 Can California and the Federal Government Get Along? The Future of GHG, CAFE and ZEV Regulations for Light-Duty Vehicles
Robert Bienenfeld, Assistant Vice President, American Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
The Trump Administration is picking up the pieces of the mid-term evaluation for the Federal GHG program. California has threatened to withdraw from the One National Program agreement and go their own way for GHG regulation. While the federal regulators
are trying to focus on rules through 2025, California is pushing aggressively towards new regulations for 2030 and 2035. Will we have divergent or convergent regulations? This presentation will seek to address the current state of regulations
in the US (including California!).
9:20 Developments in EU Policy and Implications for the Electrification of Transport
Greg Archer, Program Manager, European Federation for Transport & Environment (T&E)
9:40 What’s the Next Step? Proposed & Forecasted Future Changes in the Chinese xEV/Battery Market
Mark Lu, Ph.D., Certified Senior Industrial Analyst, Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center (IEKC), Industrial Technology & Research Institute (ITRI)
In the past five years, the Chinese xEV market has become the biggest in the world. The question is what will happen in the future. Therefore, this presentation aims to include predictions on which types of vehicle will become popular as well as information
showing future targets regarding capacity, cost etc. In addition, information regarding future incentives to the end user will be given. Finally this presentation will outline the new CAFC+NEV regulations and how they may affect the companies
within the whole industry.
10:00 Coffee Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)
10:50 Vehicle Electrification: Is the Path to Mass Market Open?
Menahem Anderman, Ph.D., President, Total Battery Consulting, Inc.
This presentation will discuss electrified-vehicle market expansion and battery technology and market development. Expansion of the BEV market will depend primarily on governmental regulations and incentives as well as on the customers’ willingness
to pay a premium over gasoline-powered vehicles for vehicles with range and charge-time limitations. Battery performance enhancement and cost reduction will be examined vis-à-vis metal pricing increase and battery durability, reliability,
and safety, and we will review market trends in Europe, the U.S., China, and Japan.
11:30 Assessment of Direction and Requirements for PEV Market Expansion
Stephanie Schenk, Senior Research Analyst, Advanced Industries - Automotive & Assembly, McKinsey & Company
This presentation will provide an overview on the attraction of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) compared to pure battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in different markets around the world. After outlining the current drivers of each technological
solution (including the role of regulations and incentives, consumer requirements and automaker strategies), a scenario-based outlook on future electric vehicle (EV) adoption will be given. Results from a recent consumer survey among existing
and prospective EV owners will highlight key buying criteria (e.g., design, cost, performance, etc.) for future market expansion.
11:50 Q&A
12:20 Networking Lunch (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)
13:30 Dessert Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing
14:15 Chairperson’s Remarks
Eckhard Karden, Ph.D., Technical Expert Battery & Energy Storage Technology, Advanced Power Supply & Energy Management, Ford Research & Advanced Engineering Europe
14:20 48V Batteries on their Way to Series Production
Onur Colhan, Developer 48V Battery Systems, Daimler AG
Daimler´s green strategy is based on fuel-cell technology and xEVs (48V Hybrids, Plug-in Hybrids and electric vehicles). It is a promise to find green, better, effective and cost optimized solutions to achieve the CO2 commitments in the fleet
and to reduce emissions. The 48V technology is the best compromise between consumption and emissions towards a conventional drivetrain and the costs compared with other solutions like Hybrid & Plug-In systems. Furthermore due to the increasing
electrification in upper-size class of cars, like S- or E-class, with future autonomous driving functions, more electric energy is needed upside the 12V-supply system on board. This presentation will discuss the new 48V system and its most crucial
part, the 48V battery.
14:40 Is a 12V Battery Needed on xEVs?
Fabian Fogelberg, HW Responsible 48 V Li-Ion Battery, Volvo Car Corporation
With the electrification of powertrains, a second energy and power source is available besides the 12 V battery. How are requirements on 12 V Lead-acid batteries affected by xEVs and could the need for a 12 V battery be removed completely?
15:00 UltraBattery® Demonstration Projects - Low Cost for Emission Reductions
Bernd Engwicht, Director Auto Battery Application International Automotive Battery Division, East Penn Manufacturing Co.
There are currently various separate demonstration projects featuring the East Penn UltraBattery® as part of the energy storage system. Demonstrations using the East Penn UltraBattery® began in 2011. In the past six years, multiple projects
with a range of 12V and 48V solutions have been added with new opportunities every year. Results from some of these projects will be reviewed and future applications will be presented.
15:20 Sponsored Presentation (Opportunity Available)
15:40 Refreshment Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing
16:30 How Ultracapacitors Enable Current and Future High-Power Automotive Applications
Stefan Werkstetter, Systems Applications Engineering Manager, Maxwell Technologies, Inc.
This presentation will give an insight into current and future ultracapacitor-based energy storage systems for various applications at 12V and 48V, like electric anti-roll control, electric power steering, electric turbo chargers and autonomous driving.
16:50 LGC’s Low-Voltage Cell Development
Yo-Jin Kim, Ph.D., Low-Voltage Cell Development Team Leader, LG Chem
This presentation will introduce LGC’s recent developments in cells for 12V and 48V applications. It will discuss i) the capabilities and limitations of LFP and LTO chemistry for 12V applications in terms of not only performance but also
cost, and ii) give an introduction of LGC’s next gen 48V cell based on the analysis of recent specifications from global OEMs.
17:10 Progress of Toshiba SCiBTM with LTO Anode for Automotive Applications
Koji Ishiwa, Senior Manager, Automotive Systems Division, Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation
The role of the Lithium-Ion Battery (LIB) is expanding not only as a highly reliable power source in EVs and PHEVs, but also in low-voltage HEVs and conventional vehicles. However, current LIBs still have several challenges such as safety or life.
As a solution, Toshiba adopted LTO anode technology, which has excellent performance such as safety and long life, since 2008. This presentation will cover updated information about SCiBTM and its direction of development for automotive applications.
17:30 High Durability of LTO/NCM Battery for 14 V System at 80°C
Keigo Hoshina, PhD, Specialist, Battery Development,Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corp
Low voltage system such as 12 V and 14 V battery is required thermal stability because the battery pack is put under high temperature environment in a car. LTO-based lithium ion battery has high temperature durability since the decomposition
of liquid electrolyte unlikely occur at the working potential of LTO at around 1.55 V vs. Li /Li[+]. Furthermore, LTO-based battery shows excellent charge acceptance performance due to no lithium plating at quick charging. Therefore, LTO-based
battery combined with 4 V-class cathode is suitable for 12 V and 14 V system. We reported that improvement of high temperature durability of LTO-based battery by using polyacrylonitrile (PAN) binder. It has been reported that conventional
PVdF binder was deteriorated at high temperature of 80 ?C. We attempted to improve the high temperature durability of LTO-based battery by using a thermally stable polymer as a binder. LTO-based batteries are degraded due to the deterioration
of cathodes. Therefore, it is effective that a thermally stable polymer is applied to a binder of the cathode. Li-ion battery with LTO anode was constructed with NCM cathode. PAN was applied to a binder of the NCM cathode. The LTO/NCM
cell showed a high capacity retention of 94.2 % after 10 C cycling between 20-80%SOC under a high temperature condition of 80°C for 3000 hours which correspond to 11500 cycles. High temperature storage test was also carried out. The
recovery capacity of the LTO/NCM cell stored at 100 %SOC at 80°C for 3000 hours were kept high of 96.2 %. Moreover, gas generation was negligible during 80°C operation. These results exhibited the LTO/NCM cell using PAN binder
excellent high temperature durability. It is considered that PAN binder suppressed the decomposition of liquid electrolyte at the surface of the NCM cathode and the degradation of the NCM particle surface. LTO-based battery has outstanding
high temperature performance and enables the battery pack to reduce the cooling system. The battery pack with LTO-based cells is suitable for low voltage systems.
17:50 Q&A
18:20 Networking Reception with Exhibit & Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)
19:20 Close of Day
Thursday, 1 February
7:30 Registration Open
8:00 Breakfast Roundtable Discussions
Join your colleagues and fellow delegates over breakfast for a focused, informal discussion moderated by a member of our speaking faculty. A small group format allows participants to meet potential collaborators, share examples
from their own work, vet ideas with peers, and be part of a group problem-solving endeavor. Please click here for full details.
9:00 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks
Roland Matthé, Technical Fellow Battery System & Manager Electrification Architecture, Opel Automobile GmbH
9:05 Cell and Module Strategy for Low-Cost EV Powertrains
Thomas Soczka-Guth, Ph.D., Team Leader Research Li-Ion Cell and Battery, Daimler AG
The different aspects of battery design and layout, such as cell design, cooling concepts, safety measures and battery housing are of great importance for the overall functionality of the battery system and require further optimization.
However, all technical solutions known far represent small incremental steps in improving the battery performance, and these steps only marginally contribute to a further cost optimization. A major breakthrough in the technology could
be only achieved with more drastic changes in the battery design concept. But of course safety, longevity, durability, performance and energy densities aspects provide some hurdles and barriers for new battery concepts and still strongly
influence the trade-off of battery vehicle integration. In this presentation an overview on some different known battery integration concepts for different vehicle applications will be given – but new developments in more or
less “classical” lithium ion cells might change the basic set of properties in such way that path for new battery integration concepts might be open in the near future.
9:25 EV Battery Technology and Charging Strategies - An Optimization Approach
Roland Matthé, Technical Fellow Battery System & Manager Electrification Architecture, Opel Automobile GmbH
To increase the market success of electric vehicles, the EV range is increased, using large lithium-ion batteries, and short recharge time is needed. The increase in charge power has an impact on battery system design, battery cell design,
and chemistry. We will study the challenges of optimizing electric vehicles for long range, short charging time, and low cost, focusing on battery technology. Customer requirements, battery technology, and infrastructure effects should
be balanced to make BEVs commercially successful.
9:45 Seven Technical Challenges of the Battery for New-Generation EVs
Gwennaëlle Pascaly, Battery Technology Development Group Leader, Renault
During the last years, Renault battery group was focused in upgrading their batteries to increase the energy density with the introduction of the longer driving range version of ZOE, Kangoo and SM3 in 2017. Now, the environment of the
next generation EVs is evolving. EVs will belong to a global ecosystem which imply additional functions and give new constraints on battery design. In parallel, product targets become more and more challenging and the arrival of new
regulations also bring new challenges to overcome. The purpose of this presentation is to share 7 technical challenges of the battery for the next generation EVs.
10:05 Battery Pack Designs for Modern (PH)EV Architectures
Christoph Fehrenbacher, Managing Director Europe, A123 Systems
As battery prices continue to decline, next-generation plug-in vehicles will be “born electric”, having been designed for electric drivetrains and the major electrified components having been packaged in the vehicle design
from the start. The high-voltage battery will often be under floor. This drives a low-height, flat-pack battery design, which presents opportunities for module standardization across vehicle programs. We will discuss battery-design
trends for next-generation plug-ins, corresponding module and cell requirements, and present a case study based on A123’s high-voltage module portfolio.
10:25 Coffee Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)
11:10 Progress with EV Battery Cost and Performance: How Far and How Fast?
Menahem Anderman, Ph.D., President, Total Battery Consulting, Inc.
The question proposed in the title is key to the proliferation of battery-powered electric vehicles. In this presentation, we will discuss i) the current status and anticipated pace of advances in the development of Li-ion batteries with
higher performance and lower cost, ii) how close alternative battery chemistries are to supersede Li-ion in EV applications, and iii) the implications of both points above for the expansion of the EV market.
11:30 Challenges, Risks, and Opportunities for a Rapid Expansion of xEV Batteries
Sachiya Inagaki, Industrial Technology Unit, Yano Research Institute, Ltd.
It is expected that the xEV market will grow faster and larger than expected thanks to severe regulations on vehicles emissions. But, can we really expect such high expanding of this market? Can we totally rely on the governmental policies
for growing this market? I would like to make some remarks on how we should see this market and how we should make it grow in a healthy way.
11:50 Enhancing Mileage, Lifetime and Safety by Predictive BMS Operation Strategy
Andreas Braun, Ph.D., Project Manager Battery, Engineering Center Ingolstadt, AVL Deutschland GmbH
BMS operation strategies today use static limits for derating or cooling. A predictive operation strategy can allow to make these limits dynamic. Depending on the driving situation and the forthcoming route topology an algorithm can maximize
usability of the battery while driving. At the same time durability and safety can be enhanced. The approach makes use of navigation data and GPS (e-horizon), environment sensor information (ADAS) and intelligent learning algorithms
to determine upcoming route topology and driving behavior.
12:10 Q&A
12:40 Networking Lunch
13:25 Dessert Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing
13:55 Chairperson’s Remarks
Arnold Lamm, Ph.D., Project Leader EDrive 2025, Daimler AG
14:00 Ageing of Batteries: Deterioration Mechanisms of Cell Chemistries
Andreas Hintennach, Ph.D., Group Research, Mercedes-Benz, Daimler AG
Novel and sustainable electroactive materials can help to increase safety as well as efficiency of lithium-ion and post-lithium ion batteries. While on the one hand high energy density is required, the aspect of lifetime got more important
and can be supported by e.g. solid-state electrolytes.
14:20 Inhomogeneities in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Andreas Jossen, Ph.D., Professor, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Technical University Munich (TUM)
Increasing the electrode thickness, reducing the porosity, increasing the specific capacity of the active material, and increasing the electrode size are methods to increase the energy density. However, most of these design parameters
result in a more inhomogeneous operation and aging. Measurement methods with special designed multi-tab and multi-layer cells are presented and compared with simulation results. Additionally the inhomogeneous state of aged cells is
shown by optical and XRD analysis. Especially in cells with flat discharge curves, reversible effects, for example resulting in capacity recovery, are observed.
14:40 Advanced Battery Aging Analyses Based on High Precision Coulometry
Peter Keil, Ph.D., Research Associate/Founder, Institute for Electrical Energy Storage Technology, Technical University Munich (TUM)
The presentation will show the identification of typical side reactions causing battery degradation and demonstrate how HPC can accelerate the development process of optimized operational strategies, e.g., for fast charging or avoiding
battery damage when operating at low temperatures.
15:00 Improving the Lifetime of Li-Ion Batteries by Understanding Their Degradation Mechanisms
Emilie Bekaert, Ph.D., Line Manager, Post Mortem, CIC Energigune
The development of LIB has been accompanied by technological failures, ranging from premature end of life to more concerning safety hazards such as explosions. In order to predict the behaviour of new technologies prior to their commercialization,
it is necessary to study the degradation mechanisms occurring in a specific system via aging of the cells. In this talk, we will discuss the effect of highly demanding condition of operation which can lead to degradation of the pristine
cell and participate in its failure.
15:20 Q&A
15:35 Refreshment Break
15:50 Closing Plenary Session
15:50 Chairperson’s Remarks
Menahem Anderman, Ph.D., President, Total Battery Consulting, Inc.
15:55 Legal Aspects of High-Voltage Battery Safety
Juergen Wilhelmy, Product Safety HV Battery, Audi AG
High-voltage Li-ion battery technology is comparatively new in the automotive industry and field experience covering the whole vehicle life-cycle outside of controlled conditions is limited. Accidents were reported, and high-voltage Li-ion
batteries also present risks hitherto unknown in the industry, which has increased the manufacturer’s responsibility in relation to customers. What additional requirements must be met by car manufacturers and their suppliers?
We discuss product liability in relation to power-train high-voltage battery, and examine the boundaries between functional safety, technical compliance, and product safety.
16:15 The Low Emission Mobility Package and Implications for the Battery Market in the EU
Stefaan Vergote, Advisor to the Director for Climate Strategy, Governance and Emissions of Non-Trading Sectors, DG Climate Action, European Commission
Later in 2017, the European Commission will come forward with the Low Emission Mobility package, comprising the following elements: i), a legislative proposal regarding the CO2 performance of new cars and vans in a 2030 perspective, ii)
an Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Plan, addressing the deployment of charging infrastructure in the EU, iii) a Batteries Initiative, to support EU projects along the battery value chain. We will outline the key elements of these
initiatives and consider the potential implications for the future development of the battery market in the EU.
16:35 Transport Regulations for Li-Ion Batteries and the Impact on the Automotive Market
Paul Horner, Manager, Dangerous Goods Standards, International Air Transport Association
Safety concerns raised by air transport regulators have now been taken up by the UN Subcommittee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods with a view to develop a more comprehensive hazard-based approach to the classification of
lithium batteries. This presentation will look at potential developments to revise the transport regulations applicable to Li-ion batteries across all modes of transport with then a focus on air transport.
16:55 Q&A
17:10 Closing Remarks
17:15 Close of Conference