R&D Symposium 4
Charging & Infrastructure Symposium
Powering the Way to an Electric Future
29 January 2018 | Congress Centrum Mainz | Mainz, Germany
Electric vehicle acceptance will rely heavily on EV charge: time, range, ease and safety. In order for EVs to take over the automotive market, they must be safe and easy to charge. Charging must prove comparable to current gasoline fueling. There are two main hurdles in achieving this goal. The first is improving charging mechanisms and fast charging reliability. The second is providing the vital charging infrastructure that will allow for on-the-go charging ease.
The Charging & Infrastructure symposium will bring together top battery technologists and policy makers to discuss the goals and challenges in creating a stress-free and easy electric vehicle experience.
Final Agenda
Monday, 29 January
8:30 Symposium Registration and Morning Coffee
10:00 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks
Michael Keller, Member Executive Board, CharIN e.V., Charging Interface Initiative
10:05 Charging - Is the Infrastructure Ready?
Michael Keller, Member Executive Board, CharIN e.V., Charging Interface Initiative
Analysing the open topics and “problem” regarding the usage of long distance travel. How to make it easy to use for everybody. How to get the connection to the grid. How to control the power and availability.
10:45 PEV Charging Interaction with the Grid
Barney Carlson, Research Engineer, Advanced Vehicles, Idaho National Lab
The presentation will show laboratory results from Level 2 and DCFC evaluation during typical operation (uncontrolled/uncoordinated charging) as well as during undesirable grid dynamic events. From these response characteristics, advanced coordinated control systems are being developed to mitigate negative impacts on the grid, with emphasis on high-penetration and higher power charge systems.
11:05 Networking Coffee Break with Poster Viewing
11:35 PANEL DISCUSSION: The Future of Infrastructure
Moderator: Kevin Konecky, Battery Systems Consultant, Total Battery Consulting, Inc.
This panel will explore the latest advancements in electric vehicle charging and infrastructure. Strategies to create viable electric vehicle infrastructure, such as utilizing existing infrastructure networks will be discussed.
12:15 Sponsored Presentation (Opportunity Available)
12:35 Q&A
12:50 Networking Lunch
14:15 Chairperson’s Remarks
Kevin Konecky, Battery Systems Consultant, Total Battery Consulting, Inc.
14:20 xEV Industry Trends of Charging & Battery Systems
Kevin Konecky, Battery Systems Consultant, Total Battery Consulting, Inc.
Lithium-ion battery systems are an enabling technology in the propagation of xEVs with longer range and higher-energy-density batteries. Further enabling public acceptance are convenient and time-effective charging options. This presentation will review a large number of xEVs currently in production and discuss trends and diversity in the subsystem design choices that were implemented in each production system including charge capabilities. Different charging protocols and standards across the globe will be discussed with trends analyzed, as well as improvements to user convenience including faster DC-charging and wireless charging.
15:00 Novelty Solutions in Over-Current Protection of HV DC Circuit of Battery-Powered Vehicles
Mitja Koprivšek, Strategic R&D Manager, R&D, ETI Elektroelement d.d.
Presented proposal will show how to solve several safety and technical problems in breaking the main HV DC circuit of battery-powered vehicles. Proposal is using the combination of “pyroswitch” and “melting fuse” technologies and provides answers to all technical and safety requirements. These requirements are related to the speed of disconnection of main HV DC battery circuit and maximum DC current breaking capacity, as well as to the optimum durability behaviour at different current profiles during vehicle driving. Presented proposal ensures also lowest product weight and optimum product and installation costs, both requirements are strongly wished by automotive industry.
15:20 Long Life Lithium Batteries with Stabilized Electrodes
Wenquan Lu, Ph.D., Principal Chemical Engineer, Argonne National Laboratory
15:40 Q&A
16:00 Refreshment Break with Poster Viewing
16:35 Chairperson’s Remarks
Kevin Konecky, Battery Systems Consultant, Total Battery Consulting, Inc.
16:40 Engineering Fast-Charging Batteries: Understanding Transport in Lithium Ion Batteries Using Tomographic Analysis
Vanessa Wood, Ph.D., Professor, ETH Zurich
Rate performance of lithium ion batteries is strongly influenced by lithium ion transport through the pore space of the electrodes and separators. In this talk, I will describe the different types of tomographic imaging that can be applied to achieve 3D reconstructions of battery electrodes and separators. I will then discuss how these reconstructions can be used to quantify electrode and separator microstructure and determine how the structure influences lithium ion battery performance.
17:20 Talk Title to be Announced
Christopher Michelbacher, Ph.D., Battery Performance & Research Design Scientist, Energy Storage & Transportation, Idaho National Laboratory
18:00 Q&A
18:20 Welcome Reception with Poster Viewing
19:20 Close of Symposium