R&D Symposium 1

Lithium Battery Chemistry Symposium

Advancements in Lithium-Ion and Beyond

29 - 30 January 2018 | Congress Centrum Mainz | Mainz, Germany

Advancements in electrochemical energy storage are central to the expansion of an electrified fleet and lower emissions. New electric vehicle batteries must increase their performance while remaining cost competitive with conventional internal combustion engine automobiles. By creating safe and reliable long range batteries through improved chemistries, automotive electrification goals can be achieved.

Lithium Battery Chemistry will unite automotive OEM companies, their supply chain, and academic researchers to discuss technological advances and commercial viability. Presentations will focus on advances in high-energy lithium-ion chemistry as well as other chemistries, including lithium-metal systems, silicon anodes, NMC cathodes and solid-state technologies.

Final Agenda

Monday, 29 January

8:30 Symposium Registration and Morning Coffee


10:00 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks

Martin Winter, Ph.D., Chair, Applied Material Science for Energy Conversion and Storage, MEET Battery, Research Center, Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Muenster

10:05 FEATURED PRESENTATION: Ceramic Electrolytes and Electrodes for All-Solid-State Batteries with High Energy and Power Density – Environmentally Benign, Inexpensive, Safe and Long-Lasting

Werner Weppner, Ph.D., Professor, Engineering, Christian Albrechts University of Kiel

All present limitations of lithium ion batteries may be overcome by using fast solid electrolytes, which have recently been developed. These cells are safe, chemically stable, environmentally benign, made of readily available chemicals and have higher energy densities as well as much longer lifetime. The electrochemistry differs considerably from liquid electrolyte systems.

10:45 The Development of Solid State Batteries through Combinatorial Synthesis and High Throughput Screening

Christopher Lee, PhD, Technical Director, Materials Development, Ilika Technologies Ltd.

The development of solid state batteries is reliant on the development of compatible and communicating functional materials within the composite device. These include the solid state electrolyte, interfacial mediators and mixed conductors. I will highlight how high throughput methodologies accelerate development through both materials and composite device based screening protocols.

11:05 Networking Coffee Break with Poster Viewing

11:35 Solid State Batteries – A Progress Report

Jürgen Janek, Ph.D., Professor, Solid State Ionics & Electrochemistry, Justus Liebig University Giessen

12:15 Safe, High-Energy-Density, Solid-State Li Batteries

Eric D. Wachsman, Ph.D., Professor & Director, University of Maryland Energy Research Center; William L. Crentz Centennial Chair, Energy Research, University of Maryland

We have developed intrinsically safe, solid-state Li-ion batteries, by incorporating high conductivity garnet Li-ion electrolytes into tailored multi-layer microstructures. These structures, their ability to cycle Li-metal at high current densities with no dendrite formation, and results for Li-metal anode/garnet-electrolyte based batteries with a number of different cathode chemistries will be presented.

12:35 Challenges and Possible Solutions for Production of All Solid State Electrodes

Arno Kwade, Prof. Dr.-Ing., Battery LabFactory Braunschweig

The production of electrodes for all solid state batteries depends on the kind of solid electrolyte. As for solid polymers still slurry based processes can be applied, solid particle based electrolytes need new concepts for electrode production. Examples are extrusion or dry coating processes with subsequent consolidation for deformable electrolytes or high temperature sintering for ceramic electrolytes.

12:50 Networking Lunch

14:15 Chairperson’s Remarks

Martin Winter, Ph.D., Chair, Applied Material Science for Energy Conversion and Storage, MEET Battery, Research Center, Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Muenster

14:20 An Industrial View on Challenges of Solid Electrolytes for Solid State Batteries

Andreas Roters, Ph.D., Senior Project Manager New Venture, Research and Deveolpment, SCHOTT AG

Solid electrolytes are a key material to enable solid-state batteries. From the viewpoint of an industrial material development, the main challenges are the appropriate design of the interface to enable a low resistant Li-ion transport on material level. For the integration into a cell, systems material and processing solutions must be found which allow Li transport on one side, but hinders side reactions of the material during processing at the other side. Stable and cost-effective processing routes from raw material and high-volume production to recycling. Glass ceramics have the potential to address these challenges.

14:40 Towards a New Generation of Solid State Li Metal Rechargeable Batteries with Ionogel Electrolytes

Dominique Guyomard, Ph.D., Director, Energy Storage, CRNS

15:00 New Solid State Polymer with Room Temperature Conductivity—Higher Performing Solution

Mike Zimmerman, Founder, Ionic Materials

Ionic Materials has invented the world’s first solid polymer electrolyte , that conducts lithium ions at room temperature. The material has demonstrated significant safety improvements in lithium ion batteries , and also enables new anode and cathode technology such as lithium metal. Performance and safety data of cells made with this material will be presented.

15:20 PANEL DISCUSSION: Solid-State Batteries - Opportunity, Dream, or Nightmare?

Moderator: Martin Winter, Ph.D., Chair, Applied Material Science for Energy Conversion and Storage, MEET Battery, Research Center, Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Muenster

16:00 Refreshment Break with Poster Viewing


16:35 Chairperson’s Remarks

Egbert Figgemeier, Ph.D., Professor, Helmholtz Institute Muenster

16:40 Research Challenges of Future Li-ion Materials and Cells

Odysseas Paschos, PhD, Manager, Battery Cell Technology, BMW Group

This presentation will outline the potential and limits of present material concepts from a car manufacturer point of view. In particular, it will address open issues to be solved in the future development of electric energy storage technologies for automotive applications.

17:00 Silicon-Dominant Anodes in Electromobility Chemistries for Extreme Fast Charge Capable Batteries

Benjamin Park, Ph.D., Founder and CTO, Enevate Corporation

Enevate's silicon-dominant anode (>70% silicon) and Li-ion cell technology utilizes a self-standing film without typical battery binder materials. Batteries using Enevate's anode offer extreme fast charge with high energy density, wide temperature operation, and safety. Data will be shown along with analysis of other potential technology benefits for EV applications.

17:20 Si-Based Anodes in Commercial Lithium-Ion-Cells – Aging Mechanisms and their Implications for Automotive Applications

Egbert Figgemeier, Ph.D., Professor, Helmholtz Institute Muenster

Silicon alloys have become a component of commercial high-energy Lithium ion battery cells with implications on their ageing characteristics. In order to further increase the amount of Silicon in the anode, volume changes and parasitic reactions need to be addressed and viewed under real use conditions. The presentation will show relations of drive cycles of electric cars and Silicon containing high-energy cells.

17:40 Sponsored Presentation (Opportunity Available)

18:00 Q&A

18:20 Welcome Reception with Poster Viewing

19:20 Close of Day

Tuesday, 30 January

7:30 Symposium Registration and Morning Coffee


8:30 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks

Egbert Figgemeier, Ph.D., Professor, Helmholtz Institute Muenster

8:35 Electrolytes and Electrode Interphases in Lithium-Ion Batteries

Brett Lucht, Ph.D., Professor, Chemistry, University of Rhode Island

During the initial formation cycles, a Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) is formed on the anodes of lithium ion batteries which is critical to the performance of lithium ion batteries. The electrolyte also reacts with the surface of the cathode, especially at high voltage, to generate a surface film. The nature of the electrolyte and the electrode surface films and the role they play in performance of lithium ion batteries will be presented.

8:55 Development of Novel Electrolyte Formulations for Use with High-Energy Cathodes

Dee Strand, Ph.D., CSO, Chemistry, Wildcat Discovery Technologies

Higher energy cathodes are required to meet automotive energy density targets. However, the use of these materials (higher nickel content, higher voltage) require parallel development of electrolytes with enhanced stability. Electrolyte additives that provided enhanced stability on the cathode need to be compatible with other formulation components, requiring significant development efforts. This presentation demonstrates the challenges and shows examples of improved electrolyte formulations.

9:15 Surface Modifications of Li-Ion Battery Active Materials with Polymers for Improved Performance

Nae-Lih Nick Wu, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University

The properties of the interfaces between the electrode active materials and electrolyte are known to play a crucial role in determining the electrochemical performance of Li-ion batteries (LIBs). This presentation reports the approach of using soft artificial solid-electrolyte interphases to modify the surface of LIB active materials for enhancing their cyclic and rate performance and safety properties.

9:35 Solvay’s Last Developments of Electrolyte Ingredients for High Voltage Li-Ion Batteries

Thomas Mathivet, Ph.D., Business Development Manager Battery Europe, SOLVAY

9:55 Q&A

10:10 Grand Opening Coffee Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing


11:00 Chairperson’s Remarks

Maximilian Fichtner, Ph.D., Executive Director, Nanomaterials & Nano Mikrostructures, Helmholtz Institute Ulm for Electrochemical Energy Storage

11:05 Alternative Battery Chemistries – Developments and Challenges

Maximilian Fichtner, Ph.D., Executive Director, Nanomaterials & Nano Mikrostructures, Helmholtz Institute Ulm for Electrochemical Energy Storage

The presentation will discuss current motivation and results of recent work on Li-free systems for electrochemical storage. While Na ion batteries are regarded as a “drop-in” technology and first comparably mature systems have already reached cell level, new ways to enabling Mg- and Al-batteries are under investigation at the moment. Results from inorganic and organic electrode materials will be shown and challenges will be outlined that must be overcome to eventually enable powerful, sustainable and safe systems based on post-Li technology.

11:45 Anode Materials for Sodium(-Ion) Batteries and the “Missing” SEI in Case of Graphite

Philipp Adelhelm, Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry (CEEC), Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena

Sodium(-ion) batteries are potentially very attractive energy stores. This presentation will give an overview on the current development and remaining challenges of anode materials for SIBs with examples on sodium metal, alloys, cHiarbons, and a discussion on the SEI. Special focus will be on the peculiar behavior of graphite.

12:05 Advances and Challenges in Multivalent Chemistries for Energy Storage

Brian Ingram, PhD, Materials Scientist, Chemical Science & Engineering, Argonne National Laboratory

12:25 The Challenging Path Towards Ca Metal Anode Based Batteries

Alexandre Ponrouch, PhD, Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona (CSIC)

Calcium (5th most abundant element in Earth's crust) metal anode does not seem to be plagued with dendrite formation and benefits from high standard reduction potential and high theoretical electrochemical capacity. Ca plating and stripping through a stable solid electrolyte interphase has recently been demonstrated, setting out the basis for the development of new electrolytes for divalent cation based batteries with high resilience upon oxidation.

12:45 Q&A

13:00 Networking Lunch

14:15 Dessert Refreshment Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing


15:00 Chairperson’s Remarks

Stefan Kaskel, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Chemistry, Technical University Dresden, Fraunhofer Institute Materials and Beam Technology

15:05 Next Generation Low Weight Lithium Sulfur Batteries

Stefan Kaskel, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Chemistry, Technical University Dresden, Fraunhofer Institute Materials and Beam Technology

Lithium sulfur batteries are among the lightest accumulators today for applications in aviation and for high altitude pseudosatellites. However, their cycling stability is limited due to the use of elemental lithium as anode. Recent research focuses on alternative anode materials, such as silicon nanocomposites and thin films, and improved processing of thin lithium foils by melt processing. New anode processing technologies may also play a key role for solid state batteries in future.

15:45 Post and Beyond Lithium-Ion Materials and Cells for Electrochemical Energy Storage

Andreas Hintennach, Ph.D., Group Research Electrochemistry, Mercedes-Benz Research & Development, Daimler AG

Novel and sustainable electroactive materials can help to decrease the ecological impact of novel battery concepts ‎in the near future. While on the one hand high energy density is required, the aspects of safety, lifetime get more important and often mean a challenge. All these requirements are met by very different approaches with different characteristics: all solid-state cells, high-energy materials, lithium-sulfur and even different systems e. g. Na- or Mg-Ion.

16:05 Developing High-Energy Rechargeable Lithium Metal and Lithium Sulfur Batteries

Jun Liu, Ph.D., Director, Energy Processes and MaterialsPacific Northwest National Laboratory

Energy storage is critical for grid modernization and electrification of transportation infrastructure. Among many options, two battery systems are identified to have the potential to reach a much higher energy density: Li metal anode coupled with high Ni NMC, and Li-S system. However, the materials and components need to be optimized to allow high-efficiency utilization of the active materials (high utilization). For both NMC and Li-S systems, several new approaches will be discussed to address the challenges in the high energy cells. Under high-utilization conditions, the fundamental failure mechanisms may also differ from the experimental conditions widely studied in the literature and will also be discussed.

16:25 8 Years Advanced Research on Li-Air (Oxygen) Battery in the Toyota Group: an Overview and Some Perspectives

Fanny Bardé, Ph.D., Project Manager, Toyota Motor Europe

Achieving mobility for all is one of the main challenges of this century and is the “raison d’être” of Toyota company. In view to achieve sustainable mobility combined with zero emission society, Toyota is envisioning several answers from eco-car models to a smart mobility society model, keeping in mind the satisfaction of its customer. The non-aqueous Li-Air (Oxygen) battery, because of its high theoretical energy density and relatively high operation voltage around 3V gives the promise of long driving range for future electric cars, which is a key factor to get accepted widely by our customers. Nevertheless, it suffers from some scientific hurdles to overcome, before this battery concept can be commercialized. In this presentation, we will summarized over 8 years of advanced research performed in the Toyota group on the Li-Air(Oxygen) battery, before to share some perspectives for this promising but challenging battery type.

16:45 Q&A

Johnson Controls 17:05 Networking Reception with Exhibit & Poster Viewing

18:05 Close of Symposium

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