2017 Archived Content


Global Battery Raw Materials

30 January 2017 | Congress Centrum Mainz | Mainz, Germany

Part of the 7th Advanced Automotive Battery Conference Europe

Understanding the complexities of the global supply chain for battery component materials is critical to the successful commercialization of EV applications. An examination of the drivers of end user demand with a focus on major new projects in the pipeline and how that demand will evolve over the near and long term will be presented. This symposium will cover the global markets from multiple angles including advances in mining and processing with an emphasis on sourcing and cost control strategies by manufacturers with an outlook on the forecasted consumption trends for China, Japan, Korea, Europe and the United States. Don’t miss your opportunity to network with the major players within the global battery supply chain.

 Final Agenda

Monday, 30 January


8:30 Symposium Registration and Morning Coffee

10:00 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks

Simon Moores, Managing Director, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence, United Kingdom

10:05 Advancing Next-Generation Lithium Batteries

Marina Yakovleva, Global Commercial Manager, New Product and Technology Development, FMC Corporation

FMC continues its focus on customer applications and emerging technologies through its R&D efforts in developing new products and technologies that can meet the demand for higher energy density systems. The presentation will review FMC’s outlook on the rechargeable Li-ion market. The role of lithium precursors in the development of the advanced cathode materials and FMC’s road map for the advancements of the Li-ion and beyond Li-ion systems will also be discussed.

10:25 Pushing the Limits: Lithium-Ion Battery Cathode Materials for E-Mobility

Andreas Fischer, Ph.D, Vice President, Battery Materials Research, BASF

In order to enable a broad and affordable mass market penetration of electromobility continuous improvement on the material level is necessary. Total cost of ownership (TCO) is important from an end customer’s point of view and beside other parameters influenced strongly by the proper choice of cathode material. There are several pathways and a rich toolbox available at BASF to improve cathode materials’ performance and cost effectiveness that will be presented. Important factors are energy density, cycle life and cost balanced for optimized TCO.

10:45 Production of Lithium Hydroxide at Lower Cost

Jean-François Magnan, Technical Manager, Nemaska Lithium

Nemaska proprietary technology allows to produce lithium hydroxide directly at a lower cost than most of the actual lithium carbonate producers. Lithium hydroxide is required for the production of high-grade nickel cathode material having high energy density such as NCA and NMC. Also, depending on the chemistry and the process to synthesize the cathode material, lithium hydroxide has many technical advantages over lithium carbonate.

11:05 Networking Coffee Break with Poster Viewing

11:35 Natural Battery-Ready Graphite for Li-Ion Batteries

Donald Baxter, P.Eng., President and CEO, Alabama Graphite Corporation

Environmentally sustainable production of ‘Energy Graphite,’ namely natural specialty Coated Spherical Graphite (CSPG) engineered for Lithium-ion battery anodes. Commercial production via a halogen-gas-based low-temperature thermal purification process to achieve battery-grade purity, coupled with state-of-the-art micronization and spheronization processes, and the application of silicon-enhanced conductive surface coatings.

12:05 Environmentally Clean Production of Graphite Anode Materials

Jeremy Schrooten, Ph.D., Global Product Manager, Pyrotek Incorporated

Michael Sekedat, Energy Group Business Manager, Pyrotek Incorporated

The vast majority of graphite anode materials used in lithium-ion batteries are produced using “environmentally unfriendly” technologies. Pyrotek’s use of renewable hydroelectric power with proprietary, low-emission furnace technology is the “environmentally friendly” alternative for a high purity and consistent anode material supply chain.

 12:35 Q&A

12:50 Networking Lunch

14:15 Chairperson’s Remarks

Robert Baylis, Manager, Minor Metals Research, Roskill Information Services Ltd., United Kingdom

14:20 Lithium-Ion Battery Raw Material Supply and Demand 2016– 2025

Christophe Pillot, Ph.D., Battery Survey Manager, Avicenne Energy, France

This presentation includes cathode, anode, electrolyte and separator demand. It will examine the major component suppliers and include a discussion on price evolution and major technical trends.

14:50 Industrial Mineral Recycling in Li-Ion Batteries: Its Impact on the Raw Material Supply Chain

Mike O’Driscoll, Director, IMFORMED Industrial Mineral Forums & Research, Ltd.

Li-ion battery use has increased markedly in recent years, but Li-ion battery recycling is still at an evolutionary stage. With at least one-third of production costs related to raw materials, developments in recycling industrial mineral components and its relationship with sourcing of primary raw materials is receiving much attention.

15:20 Q&A

15:35 Refreshment Break with Poster Viewing


16:10 Chairperson’s Remarks

Robert Baylis, Manager, Minor Metals Research, Roskill Information Services Ltd., United Kingdom

16:15 Raw Material Supply in an Energy Storage Revolution

Simon Moores, Managing Director, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence, United Kingdom

Lithium-ion output is surging but how much thought has been given to the raw materials that serve this market? In the last two years, the battery raw materials of lithium, graphite and cobalt have had to re-evaluate future plans on the back of an evolving battery industry. Lithium has experienced its most extreme shortage and price spikes in history, battery-grade graphite supply has had to significantly expanding, while cobalt has faced supply cuts across the board thanks to the low copper price. With battery megafactories coming on-stream between now and 2021, raw material supply is set to be the bottleneck that could significantly slow the lithium-ion surge.

16:35 Lithium-Ion Battery Raw Material Supply Chain Bottlenecks: Looking Beyond Supply/Demand/Price

Robert Baylis, Manager, Minor Metals Research, Roskill Information Services Ltd., United Kingdom

In recent years, the focus of participants in the Lithium-ion battery supply chain has shifted from global resource availability to supply and price implications, as sectors (EVs and ESSs) with transformatory growth projections start to gather pace, thus requiring more raw materials. This paper will present a scenario-based outlook for Lithium-ion battery raw material demand, and highlight the potential bottlenecks in meeting it from a supply-chain perspective, delving beyond the supply/demand/price equation.

16:55 Genuine Demand, Speculation or Government Policy - What Have Been the Key Drivers in the Fluctuating Price Developments in Battery Raw Materials

Barbara O'Donovan, Editor, Industrial Minerals

This presentation will review the price trends in lithium, graphite and cobalt and focus on the key market issues which have driven the markets in the last 12 months, particularly the spikes in lithium prices and bull run in cobalt. The focus will be on the battery grade materials for each of these commodities. The challenges facing new suppliers in the market and the cost challenges they face to be competitive will be outlined.

17:15 PANEL DISCUSSION: Barriers and Opportunities to Meeting Global Market Demand for Advanced Battery Materials

Moderator: Anthony Milewski, Vice President, Pala Investments

It is estimated that the global energy storage markets have the potential to reach over $150 billion annually. These markets represent significant opportunities for investment and R&D. This international panel of experts will discuss meeting the challenges of increasing global demand with keeping costs low while continuing to advance technology. The panel will explore which organizations are well positioned to capitalize on the growth and where the key opportunities are for investment.

18:15 Welcome Reception with Poster Viewing

19:15 Close of Day

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