2017 Archived Content


EV Technology for Specialty Vehicles

1 – 2 February 2017 | Congress Centrum Mainz | Mainz, Germany

Part of the 7th Advanced Automotive Battery Conference Europe

Zero-emission EVs for specialty transportation applications present great commercial opportunities for advanced high-energy batteries. Battery requirements vary with the applications, offering viable opportunities for multiple technologies. In this track, we will discuss the development of hybrid and electric vehicle battery systems and the prospects for advanced batteries to be commercialized within the specialty battery market while assessing consumer demand, competing technologies, and overcoming the challenges to commercialization.

 Final Agenda

Wednesday, 1 February

8:00 Conference Registration and Morning Coffee


8:40 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks

Menahem Anderman, Ph.D., President, Total Battery Consulting, Inc.

8:45 Electromobility Globally: Regulations, Vehicles, and Markets

Wolfgang Bernhart, Ph.D., Senior Partner, Automotive, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants GmbH

This presentation will discuss the current status and outlook on BEV and PHEV sales, LiB capacity, demand, and announced expansion, the implications on prices, battery industry structure, and supply chain risks, and the strategic implications for OEMs.

9:05 Ongoing Changes in the Chinese xEV Market and How They Relate to the Battery Industry

Mark Lu, Certified Senior Industrial Analyst, Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center (IEK), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)

In 2016, the Chinese xEV market still continues to expand. Therefore, this presentation aims to provide information regarding the market status and policies affecting this. Statistics showing a breakdown of this market will also be provided. Moreover, the leading OEMs and their battery providers will be identified. In addition, a comparison of battery specifications (such as ED/PD, material portfolio & formats) among the leading cellmakers will be given. Finally, the audience will be given a number of points that should be remembered when considering potential opportunities in this booming Chinese xEV market.

9:25 CO2-Emission Reduction for European Fleets

Greg Archer, Program Manager, Transport and Environment

9:45 Market Outlook for the New Prius Plug-In

Muriel Desaeger, Ph.D., General Manager, R&D Center, Toyota Motor Europe

Almost five years after the introduction of Toyota’s pioneering first model, the stage is set for the all-new Prius Plug-in Hybrid to redefine the experience of plug-in hybrid vehicles all over again. By building on the foundations of the latest generation Prius – which showcases a more dynamic drive and an all-new full hybrid system – the intuitive, silent and responsive Prius Plug-in Hybrid’s (PHV) is the perfect fit for those who want a Hybrid car with the benefits of extended Electric Vehicle (EV) driving. The Prius Plug in has a top electric speed as high as 135km/h and a range as far as 50km (subject to final vehicle homologation) thanks to the Prius Plug-in Hybrid’s dual motor drive with 68kW EV power rating. And with the super-efficient 4th generation hybrid system, the new Prius Plug-in Hybrid is estimated to sip fuel at a mere 1.0l/100km (subject to final vehicle homologation) when it reverts to hybrid operation. This presentation will review the technical features including the larger Li-on battery pack, dual motor drive and heat pump among others which help define the driving characteristic of the Prius Plug in. Dr. Desaeger will also discuss how the Prius Prime fits within the electric market in Europe.

10:05 Coffee Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing

10:55 xEV Expansion, Key Technology, and Market Development

Menahem Anderman, Ph.D., President, Total Battery Consulting, Inc.

In this presentation, electrified-vehicle market expansion and battery technology and market development from micro-hybrids to full EVs will be discussed. Regarding battery technology, the key challenge is to enhance performance—to ease battery packaging in the car and reduce cost, while maintaining or improving durability, reliability, and safety. Market trends in Europe, the U.S., China, and Japan will be discussed with the pace of market growth depending predominantly on government regulations and incentives and on battery pricing.

11:35 The Supply Chain Heat Map for Key Materials in Li-Ion Batteries

Kurt Vandeputte, Vice President, Rechargeable Battery Materials Business Unit, Umicore

The number and complexity of Li-Ion battery applications are still growing significantly and, combined with an acceleration of demand for Li-Ion batteries, this has resulted in increasingly complex raw-material supply chains. It is recognized that supply chain disruptions during the first acceleration phase of the LIB-market due to electro mobility could limit growth. The author will present insights in the supply-demand balance for a number of key materials used in Li-Ion batteries. A more detailed analysis will be given, using specific examples, resulting in a supply chain heat map for key materials used in Li-Ion battery production.

11:55 Q&A

12:20 Networking Lunch

 13:30 Dessert Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing


14:15 Chairperson’s Remarks

Axel Thielmann, Ph.D., Deputy Head, Competence Center for Emerging Technologies, Fraunhofer ISI

14:20 Cell and Battery Development at MAN Truck & Bus AG

Sebastian Kratzer, Engineer, EPAH, MAN Truck & Bus AG

This presentation will cover the e-Mobility Strategy of MAN Truck & Bus AG, including battery system architecture (multi-battery systems) and cycle life design & test results for HEV, PHEV and BEV applications.

14:40 High Performance Traction Batteries for Electric Buses and Trams

Markus Klohr, Ph.D., Head, Engineering and Propulsion, Bombardier

The presentation will not only present the light and long-life PRIMOVE battery system and its main features. It will highlight different concepts and present our field experience. In addition, this presentation will discuss the application boundaries.

15:00 Battery Solutions for More Power

Arpad W. Imre, Ph.D., Energy Storage Technologist, Powertrain Systems, Bosch Engineering GmbH

The challenging way from requirements to individual battery system solutions. The main performance indicators for off-highway applications and their correlation. This presentation will cover Bosch Engineering GmbH developments for customized mobility solutions.

15:20 Advanced Sealing Components for Specialty & Automotive Lithium Battery Systems

Peter Kritzer, Ph.D., Innovation Leader Freudenberg, GmbH

This talk will present advanced sealing components in production for automotive and specialty EV lithium battery systems. The components include large-scaled housing gaskets, seals for high-voltage plugs, sealing components and tubes for cooling cycles and overpressure valves. In addition, development projects will be presented including fixing elements for pouch cells, "breathable" pressure-regulating components and thermally conductive materials which improve battery systems reliability and safety..

15:40 Refreshment Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing

16:30 Thermal and Electrochemical Modelling of Li-Ion Cells for HD xEVs

Jens Groot, Ph.D., Energy Storage Systems Specialist, Volvo Trucks Technology

This presentation will cover stratified testing & model development for Li-ion cells as well as thermal models and cooling strategies. In addition, state-of-health prediction using models will be discussed.

16:50 Development of Battery Demand and Production for Specialty Applications

Axel Thielmann, Ph.D., Deputy Head, Competence Center for Emerging Technologies, Fraunhofer ISI

This presentation will cover which technologies, formats, performance parameters, costs for xEV, buses, bikes and forklifts, etc. that are being developed and are being demanded by the market. In addition, a global overview with regional breakdowns by countries and players will be presented.

17:10 Opportunity Charging EV Concept for Urban Transport and Advantage of Toshiba’s LTO Technology

Peter Blumrich, Director, Business Battery Development, TOSHIBA Europe GmbH

Urban transport (bus, trolley, tram) is one of the most important aspects of electrification due to local city environment as well as global CO2 emission problems. Opportunity charging EVs are the preferred concept for many municipal governments, but need different battery technology from the ones used for passenger car EVs. This presentation explains the benefits of opportunity charging EV concept for urban transport and advantage of LTO technology Toshiba can offer for this concept.

17:30 Batteries for Industrial Mobility - Securing 8 Years of Lifetime

Sven Bauer, CEO, BMZ, GmbH

This presentation will highlight the importance of using the right cells technology and the right application, including the battery construction, how to handle the heating and the cells inside the battery, the battery management system, passive balancing and communication of BMS, the performance of the battery to reach 8 years lifetime, and the battery qualification. Approval, safety and performance will also be presented.

17:50 Q&A

18:20 Networking Reception with Exhibit & Poster Viewing

 19:50 Close of Day

Thursday, 2 February

8:00 Registration Open

8:30 Continental Breakfast Roundtable Discussions

Participants choose a specific breakout discussion group to join. Each group has a moderator to ensure focused discussions around key issues within the topic. This format allows participants to meet potential collaborators, share examples from their work, vet ideas with peers, and be part of a group problem-solving endeavor. The discussions provide an informal exchange of ideas and are not meant to be a corporate or specific product discussion. Please click here for full details.

TABLE 1: Battery R&D in Europe

Alfons Westgeest, Executive Director, Association of European Automotive and Industrial Battery Manufacturers

TABLE 2: How Much Life is Left in Lead-Acid ?

Christian Rosenkranz, Ph.D., Vice President, Engineering & Product Development EMEA, Johnson Controls Autobatterien GmbH

TABLE 3: Lessons Learned from the Samsung Galaxy Note7 Battery Safety Events

Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy, Ltd.

TABLE 4: Cell Manufacturing

Raf Goossens, Ph.D., CEO, Global Corporate Management, PEC

TABLE 5: Silicon Anodes

Dee Strand, Ph.D., CSO, Wildcat Discovery Technologies

TABLE 6: Addressing Electrolyte Challenges for Solid-State Batteries

Josh Buettner-Garrett, Ph.D., CTO, Solid Power

TABLE 7: Advances in Battery Modeling

Bob Spotnitz, Ph.D., Battery Design LLC

TABLE 8: Battery Costing and Cost Reduction

Wenzel Prochazka, Ph.D., AVL List GmbH

TABLE 9: PHEV, EREV, or BEV: Pros and Cons

Roland Matthe, Adam Opel AG

TABLE 10: Failure Propagation Testing of Battery Packs

Daniel Doughty, Ph.D., President, Battery Safety Consulting, Inc.

TABLE 11: Energy Storage and Charging Standardization

Kevin R. Konecky, Energy Storage Systems Consultant, Total Battery Consulting

 9:30 Coffee Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing

Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) and their Battery Systems

10:15 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks

Dee Strand, Ph.D., CSO, Wildcat Discovery Technologies

10:20 EnergyBus - The CANopen-Based Communication Protocol for LEVs

Torsten Gedenk, Managing Director, emtas, GmbH

The LEV market is currently characterized by numerous proprietary solutions for the communication between components and with chargers. The EnergyBus e.V. association has dedicated to develop and to promote a standardized solution. The talk points out the need for a standardized charging procedures for LEVs and explains the technical background of the EnergyBus protocol which is based on CAN and CANopen. Additionally, this presentation will cover possible ways to implement EnergyBus into existing batteries, chargers or LEVs.

10:40 New Battery Safety Standard EN 50604 for LEV – Scope, Application, Requirements and Conformity

Stephan Scheuer, Department Manager, Certification Electrical Products, Projects & Innovations, Battery Storage Systems, TUV Rheinland; President, BATSO e.V.

The new safety requirements for removable Lithium-ion battery systems, to be used as traction batteries for light electrical road vehicles are published for Europe. Safety requirements and the related test procedures will be introduced. The influence to the conformity procedures for the products like E-Bikes or EPAC’ and other electrically propelled road vehicles will be discussed.

11:00 LEV Applications in Motorcycle Racing Utilizing Nanophosphate Pouch Cells Outputting 400A & 900A with Output Voltages of 48V & 125V

Purvaj Rajan, Vehicle Development and Test Engineer, Continental; Team Member, EM Racing

This presentation will discuss the development and performance of EV racing motorcycles and the technology utilized to achieve that performance. On our first bike, the lithium pouch cell from Lonestar EV used was making 900A from 48V from Lonestar EV with BMS from Orion. On the second bike, the battery pack and management system from A123 consisted of the AMP20 model of nanophosphate pouch cells, with a total output current of 400A and output voltage of 125V.

Advanced Materials Design and Engineering

11:20 Low Temperature Limitations of Lithium-Ion Batteries

Dee Strand, Ph.D., CSO, Wildcat Discovery Technologies

In this presentation, we compare properties of the cell (area specific impedance, resistance) vs. properties of the electrolyte (ionic conductivity, Li+ diffusivity) as a function of temperature to determine the temperature at which the bulk electrolyte properties dominate cell performance. We will also highlight the impact of changing solvent on the cell impedance at low temperature. Finally, the use of advanced SEI additives to reduce low temperature impedance while maintaining high temperature stability will be highlighted.

Transportation Compliance and Regulation

11:40 Legal Lithium Battery Transport without Dangerous Good Requirements

Hannes Neupert, CEO, ExtraEnergy Services GmbH & Co. KG

This presentation will discuss how the EN 50604 compliance, in combination with the BATS0.org certification, could lead to a exception of removable lithium ion vehicle batteries from the UN 38.3 Dangerous Goods transport rules.

12:00 Q&A

12:20 Networking Lunch

13:05 Dessert Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing

CLOSING PLENARY SESSION: Battery Charging, Grid Integration, and Logistics

14:05 Chairperson’s Remarks

Jan Fritz Rettberg, Ph.D., Head of E-Mobility, ie³ Institute of Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency and Energy Economics, TU Dortmund University

14:10 Overview of Vehicle Electrification and the Grid

Jan Fritz Rettberg, Ph.D., Head of E-Mobility, ie³ Institute of Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency and Energy Economics, TU Dortmund University

14:30 The Path to Fast Charging--How to Solve the Drawback of Charging Times

Michael Keller, Senior Manager, Energy Functions, Volkswagen AG,

This presentation will review the drawbacks and the technologies of fast charging as well as the possible solutions.

14:50 Lithium Batteries – Important Tests (UN38.3, New Package Standards) & Safety Check Sheets

Sebastian Spies, Ph.D., Safety Advisor Dangerous Goods, Daimler AG

No matter what your job is in the battery business, somehow you will have come across the challenge of transporting lithium batteries (a dangerous good) from one place to another, e.g. to perform tests drives on international or national test tracks, for their presentation at motor shows, or to perform abuse tests at test institutes, etc. The presentation will give an overview of all important aspects regarding the transport of automotive size Lithium-Ion Batteries, including: examples of the vast majority of large Lithium-Ion Batteries present in the automotive industry (Orchestra of Lithium Ion Batteries at Daimler), international regulations in road, sea and air transport (including ADR, IMDG-Code, ICAOTI/IATA-DGR and 49 CFR), transport testing requirements (e.g. 2.9.4 UN Recommendations and 38.3 UN Manual of Tests and Criteria), assessment reports for risk determination before transport (examples of check sheets), prototype and tested type (serial) batteries, potentially damaged, defective and unsafe batteries, packaging, marking, labelling, and documentation (examples of packaging in all kinds of performance levels).  

15:10 Refreshment Break

15:25 Current Processes for Lithium Battery Recycling and Research Needs for Increased Efficiency

Bernd Friedrich, Ph.D., Director, IME Institute for Process Metallurgy and Metal Recycling, RWTH Aachen

We intend to present and compare chemical (<200°C) and metallurgical (>300°C) processes being developed up to now for Lithium Battery Recycling with respect to efficiency, environmental footprint and scalability. A special focus will be given to robustness against sorting failures in the feed, to the potential use for future electrode systems as well as to the recovery potential for Lithium and other economy-strategic metals. A discussion about the identification of optima between mechanical pre-processing and a minimum waste metallurgy demand will be made. Finally research needs will be addressed.

15:45 Trash to Fresh – Real Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries

Christian Hanisch, CEO, Lion Engineering GmbH

Don't trash - Refresh! There is still some homework to do in recycling of lithium-ion batteries - from EVs and others and this presentation will contribute to this discussion. It is possible to recycle lithium-ion batteries: resource-saving, environmentally friendly, and even economically feasible - with a tailor-made process for lithium-ion batteries. Such a combination of steps enables the recovery of a mass fraction of 75% and more on a material recycling basis from lithium-ion batteries. This is supposed to be much better than state of the art. Combining different process steps like discharging, dismantling, shredding, sifting, and air-jet separation, really good recycling yields and purities can be obtained. Thinking further, battery manufacturers will use such recycled materials very soon. A modified and simplified process works to directly recycle scraps from the production of lithium-ion batteries - in order to protect both: the environment and the stakeholder's money.

16:35 Close of Conference

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