Breakfast Roundtable Discussions

THURSDAY, 16 JANUARY | 8:00 - 9:00 AM

Join your colleagues and fellow delegates over breakfast for a focused, informal discussion moderated by a member of our speaking faculty. A small group format allows participants to meet potential collaborators, share examples from their own work and discuss ideas with peers.

Terrassen - Saal A

TABLE 1: Battery Testing Methods & Battery Modelling

Jens Groot, PhD, ESS Specialist – Cell Characterisation & Modelling, Energy Storage System Design & Architecture, Volvo Group Trucks Technology (GTT)

  • Can simplified cycle life tests, possibly standardized and performed at various labs, be used to make realistic cycle life forecasts?
  • Is cloud-based analysis of on-board collected data a way forward to reduce need for extensive lab tests?
  • To what extent can advanced models & simulation replace testing?

TABLE 2: Cell Manufacturing

James Kaschmitter, CEO, SpectraPower

  • What are the key challenges for manufacturing large format cells?
  • How can we achieve the large volumes that will be needed to fulfill the expected future market demands?
  • What simplifications can be introduced during manufacturing?
  • How can we progress with reducing the current cell manufacturing cost?
  • What are the safety risks during manufacturing and how can we handle these risks?

TABLE 3: Basic Science Research and Advanced Lead Batteries for Automotive Energy Storage Systems Batteries

Matthew Raiford, PhD, Manager, Consortium for Battery Innovation

  • Overview of recently analyzed lead battery performance data from 12V start-stop and micro-hybrid applications and 48V mild-hybrid applications
  • Future battery science developments in line with the new 2019 CBI Program and 1618 ALABC program and their potential application for future vehicles
  • How do lead batteries contribute to the decarbonization and hybridization efforts set by the EU?
  • What are the infrastructure costs per mile compare?
  • What are the prospects for the future?

TABLE 4: NEW: Customized Cells & Solutions

Torge Thönnessen, CEO, Customcells

Ralf Wagner, PhD, CEO, E-Lyte Innovations GmbH

  • Why do we need customized solutions at the cell level and materials level?
  • What are the parameters that can be customized within the cell?
  • What are the parameters that can be adapted within the electrolyte?
  • Which chemistry fits which application?
  • What are the potential markets in the future?

TABLE 5: Li-Ion NMC Fast Charging New Cells for E-Mobility

Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy, Ltd.

  • The needs for fast charging for E-Mobility
  • Current solution in the market
  • New fast charging Li-ion NMC cells under development

TABLE 6: Advanced xEV Battery Degradation Diagnostics and Adaptive Life Management

Soeren Striepe, Magna

  • Status of xEV SOH diagnostics and life management
  • Emerging, cloud-connected aggregation of load and degradation data (fleet and individual packs), with option to Over-the-Air operating parameter updates
  • Recently discussed, higher accuracy on-board “SOH measurements”

TABLE 7: Battery Cost – How Long Will the Downward Trend Continue?

Wenzel Prochazka, PhD, AVL List GmbH

  • Huge investment necessary to attain >250GWh in EU – how does it affect battery cost structure?
  • Does supply chain need to grow along with cell & battery production?
  • Is high specific energy cheaper at the battery level?

TABLE 8: Recycling – How Can OEMs Turn the Need for Battery Recycling into a Viable Business Opportunity?

Oliver Spreitzer, PhD, Strategy Engineers GmbH & Co. KG

  • The rising need for rare earth materials as well as international legislation requires OEMs to recycle traction batteries
  • The high cost of batteries will impact the commercial model for car sales fundamentally – less gross margins, less service revenues, questionable used car opportunities after first life of batteries, high commercial importance of second life opportunities of batteries as well as reuse of materials

TABLE 9: Dead or Alive – Is There a Need to Maximize the Battery’s Lifetime?

Veronica Obersteiner, PhD, AVL List GmbH

  • First life, second life, battery failure – when, why, what
  • Electric range over time – optimize and maximize
  • Utilizing data from the in-use phase to enhance battery development

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