7:30 | - | 19:00 |  | Registration Hours |
9:00 | - | 12:15 |  | ECCAP Session 1: Advances in EC Capacitor Materials and Cell Design |
9:30 | - | 12:15 |  | LLIBTA Session 1: Advances in Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries |
12:15 | - | 13:30 |  | LUNCH |
13:00 | - | 14:15 |  | POSTERS with Coffee and Desserts |
14:15 | - | 15:00 |  | LLIBTA Keynote Address: The Challenge with Si-based Anodes |
14:15 | - | 17:30 |  | ECCAP Session 2: New EC Capacitor Products and Business Development |
15:00 | - | 17:30 |  | LLIBTA Session 2: Lithium-Ion Battery Safety and Reliability Enhancement and Validation |
17:30 | - | 19:00 |  | EXHIBITS Opening Reception |